Articles About Why Reproducible Research is Important
The Replication Crisis: What Is It?
- Wikipedia Article Paraphrase:
- Many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce.
- Most prevalent in psychology and medicine, but also serious in other natural and social sciences.
- Term coined in eary 2010s, gave rise to meta-science discipline.
The Replication Crisis : Causes
- Wikipiedia Article Paraphrase:
- C ommodification of Science
- Publish or Perish Culture in Academia
- Fraud and otherwise “Questionable” Research Practices
- Statistical Issues
- Base Rate Hypotheses Accuracy
The Replication Crisis: Consequences
- Wikipedia Article Paraphrase:
- Political repercussions
- Public awareness and perceptions
- Response in Academia
The Replication Crisis: Potential Remedies
- Wikipedia Article Paraphase:
- Reforms in publishing
- Statistical Reform
- Replication Efforts
- Changes to scientific approach
My Experience Trying to Reproduce Research
- Grad Student/ Academic Papers
- Working on someone else’s old junk code
- Working on my own old junk code
What we did
Tower of Babel: Making Apache Spark, K8s, and Kubeflow Play Nice
10 Minute Quick Overview of KF4COVID
- Early days of pandemic - everyone was scared, no solutions were out of bounds.
- Various ERs turned to CT scans and ultrasounds to detect ‘ground glass occlusions’ a hallmark of covid (technique has been used in ERs in the past for rapid pneumonia detection).
- CT Scans deliver high dose of radition
- Low Dose CT Scans deliver, low dose of radiation, but produce ‘noisy’ images.
- We used K8s, Apache Spark, Apache Mahout & Kubeflow to denoise CT Scans
Rapid Testing Needed -Desperately
- Mental Time Machine - to March 2020.
- No one understands Coronavirus - but hospitals are being overrune and people are dying.
- Slow Tests
- Rapid test “issues”
- No answer was ‘out of bounds’
The Pipeline: Overview
- S3 Buckets of images (can be easily swapped out to other image repo)
- PyDiCOM to turn CT scan into numerical matrix, write matrix to disk
- Load matrix in apache spark (~500 MB each) then wrap RDD into Mahout DRM
- DS-SVD on Mahout DRM (why couldn’t do this in Numpy?)
- DS-SVD results in two matrices- one of basis vectors, one of weights per image - to “de noise” you only use first X% of basis vectors. These get output and can be easily rastered using a laptop.
Call to action / How you can do the same
- Assume they won’t be using your laptop.
Use Kubeflow
Assuming someone will want to replicate your work, and that they won’t have access to your machine, Kubeflow provides a nice framework for reproducing results.
What is Kubeflow and Why Will it Help?
- Talk about Kubeflow pipelines- a seris of docker containers that execute steps then hand off data to next step
Conclusion / Q&A
- Buy our book
개인 생각
- 전체적으로 유쾌하면서도 전달하고자하는바가 명확한 강연이였다.
- 요약하자면, 과학자들은 실험을 하고 재현하려고 노력하는데 개발자들은 그렇지 않은 경우가 많고, 자신의 컴퓨터에서만 동작하면 끝인줄 안다. 재현 가능함 여부는 굉장히 중요하며 이를 위해서 kubeflow 를 사용했다. + 추가적을 자기 책 사주면 좋겠다.
- kubeflow 를 한번도 안써봐서 좀 찾아봐야겠다. 이런 목표의 프로젝트인지 잘 몰랐다.
- 참고자료
- Kubeflow 의 목적은 machine learning workflow 를 kubernetes에 배포하는 것을 단순화 시키는 것
- 더 빠르고 일관된 배포에 초점을 맞추어 이 강연은 진행되었다.
- Kubeflow 의 목적은 machine learning workflow 를 kubernetes에 배포하는 것을 단순화 시키는 것
- 추가적인 궁금점