rm (Linux Command)
created : 2020-04-12T11:22:32+00:00
modified : 2020-06-27T06:13:51+00:00
자주 사용하는 거 모음
특정 파일 제외하고 지우기
- 단일
$ rm -v !("filename")
- 다중
$ rm -v !("filename1" | "filename2")
- 만약 zsh을 쓰고 있다면
$ setopt extendedglob $ rm ^("filename1" | "filename2")
Delete Files Using Extended Pattern Matching Operators
: matches zero or more occurrences of the specified patterns?(pattern-list)
: matches zero or one occurence of the specified patterns+(pattern-list)
: matches one or more occurrences of the spcified patterns@(pattern-list)
: matches one of the spcified patterns!(pattern-list)
: matches anytthing except one of the given patterns- 자세한건 [[glob]] 참고