Supply and Demand

created : 2022-06-01T07:24:23+00:00
modified : 2022-06-01T08:20:37+00:00

english ringle


  • In this article it have Harry Potter story and the questions is unpredicted
    • In this article it had Harry Potter story and the questions were unpredicted:
      • 너무 문법을 많이 틀렸는데?
      • 단복수가 진짜 입에 안붙는다. 특히 has, have, had랑 is, are, was, were 이 말하고 나서야 깨닫는 실수들인데 진짜 신경써서 말하자.
    • In this article it had Harry Potter story and the questions were not what I thought.:
      • 이거 어렵다. 문장 자체가 어렵거나 표현이 어려운건 아닌데 말하면서 자연스럽게 what ~ 나 how ~를 말하는게 진짜 어려운듯
  • I have all books:
    • I have all the books from the series:
      • 처음 배우는 표현, 시리즈 전권을 가지고 있을때 사용하는 표현인데 자주 사용하진 않을것 같지만 알아두면 좋은것 같다. 특히 series 에 from 이 붙는게 독특하다.
  • I think I don’t get some information from it:
    • But it’s very basic
    • I didn’t get a lot out of it.
  • My favorite book is Faust because whenever I read it, I can feel something different before when I read:
    • than I did before
    • than perviously
    • than I did the last time I read it
    • something new each time
    • 피드백에서 공통적으로 말하는 것은 비교하는 맥락의 문장이니 than을 사용하거나 비교를 없애고 매번 새로웠다는 식으로 말하라는 것이다.
  • But there are a lot of points and thinking so I like it:
    • There are lot of perspectives
    • 이건 지난번에도 받았던 피드백인데 잘 체화가 안됐다. 다시한번 노력하자
  • Before I read it I think it must be lame:
    • not interesting, boring
  • But I think for common people a book has their value it is read:
    • a book has its value when it is read
  • But if when it is older then it can be more valuable:
    • But if it is older then it becomes more valuable
    • Bue as it gets older then it becaomse more valuable.
  • Other things like jewelry - many people just want to show off their wealth:
    • It’s somethinkg like jewelry
  • I think many people may know it before it will be announced:
    • many people will know it beforehand:
      • I had some warning or advance notice
      • Or insider trading
  • Because they would like to hoard the oil before the apply of tax:
    • before the application of the tax
    • before the tax is applied

  • When taxes increase, many people may know it before it will be announced.:
    • When taxes increase, many people (acutally) know it beforehand.