Composite Pattern
- How to announce the object has multiple composite attributes? It is not easy.
Properties based on array.
class Creature
int strength, agility, intelligence;
int get_stringth() const
return strength;
void set_strength(int strength)
Creture::strength = strength;
// Other getter/setter....
int sum() const {
return strength + agility + intelligence;
double average() const {
return sum() / 3.0;
int max() const {
return ::max(::max(strength, agility), intelligence);
class Creature
enum Abilitis { str, agl, intl, count };
array<int, count> abilities;
int get_strength() const { return abilities[str]; }
void set_strength(int value) { abilities[str] = value; }
// Other getter/setter ...
int sum() const {
return accumulate(abilities.begin(), abilities.end(), 0);
double average() const {
return sum() / (double) count;
int max() const {
return *max_element(abilities.begin(), abilities.end());
struct GraphicObject
virtual void draw() = 0;
struct Circle : GraphicObject
void draw() override
cout << "Circle" << endl;
struct Group : GraphicObject
string name;
explicit Group(const string& name)
: name{name} {}
void draw() override
cout << "Group " << name.c_str() << " containes:" << endl;
for (auto&& o : objects)
vector<GraphicObject*> objects;
Group root("root");
Circle c1, c2;
Group subgroup("sub");