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created : Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000
modified : Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000

layout : wiki title : Modern C++ Design Pattern/Chatper 3. 팩토리 summary : date : 2020-04-07 20:44:17 +0900 lastmod : 2020-09-26 23:15:49 +0900 tags : parent : Modern C++ Design Pattern

Factory Class

    struct Point
      float x, y;
      friend class PointFacotry;
      Point(float x, float y)
        : x(x), y(y)

    struct PointFactory
      static Point NewCartesian(float x, float y)
        return Point{x, y};
      static Point NewPolar(float r, flaot theta)
        return Point{r * cos(theta), r * sin (theta)};

Inner Factory

    struct Point
      Point(float x, float y)
      : x(x), y(y)
      struct PointFactory
        PointFactory() {}
      public :
        static Point NewCartesian (float x, float y)
          return {x, y};
        static Point NewPolar (float r, float theta)
          return {r * cos(theta), r * sin (theta)};

      float x, y;
      static pointFactory Factory;

Abstract Factory

    struct HotDrink
      virtual void prepare (int volume) = 0;
    struct Tea: HotDrink
      void prepare (int volume) override
        cout << "Take tea bag, boil water, pour" << volume
        << "ml, add some lemon" << endl;

    class DrinkFactory
      map<string, unique_ptr<HotDrinkFactory>> hot_factories;
        hot_factories["coffee"] = make_unique<CoffeeFactory>();
        hot_factories["tea"] = make_unique<TeaFactory>();
        unique_ptr<HotDrink> make_drink(const string& name)
        auto drink = hot_factories[name] -> make();
        drink->prepare(200);  // 200 must be changed other constant variable
        return drink;

Functional Factory

    class DrinkWithVolumeFactory
      map<string, function<unique_ptr<HotDrink>()>> factories;
        factories["tea"]= [] [
        auto tea = make_unique<Tea>();
        return tea;
    inline unique_ptr<HotDrink>
    DrinkWithVolumeFactory:: make_drink(const string& name)
      return factories[name]();


  • “Factory Method”, which is member function of creation type, create object and return it.
  • Factory, which is a separate class, must know the way how to create object. So if a function that know it is called factory.
  • Abstract Factory is abstract class which is super class that inherit implementation class. It is used in the situation that Factory must create multiple type Family, not only one type.
  • Props
    • Factory can deny creation call. It is naturally failed to return nullptr.
    • It can be named with high readability. Constructor must be same name with class, but it can be allocate a name that present usage well.
    • Only One Factory, Multiple type Object.
    • Factory Pattern also supports polymorphism.
    • Factory can be implemented with memory optimization like “caching”. It provide very atural code that can be applied “pooling” or “Singleton Pattern”.
  • Factory and Builder is different : Factory create object at once. But Builder create with passing multiple stage that need stage information.