created : Tue, 07 Apr 2020 20:44:17 +0900 modified : Sat, 26 Sep 2020 23:10:55 +0900
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[[Modern C++ Design Pattern]]
Builder Pattern Simple Builder
struct HtmlBuilder
HtmlElement root;
HtmlBuilder(string root_name) { = root_name; }
void add_child (string child_name string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
string str () { return root.str(); }
Fluent Builder
struct HtmlBuilder
HtmlElement root;
HtmlBuilder(string root_name) { = root_name; }
HtmlBuilder& add_child(string child_name string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name child_text };
return * this ;
/* skip */
HtmlBuilder builder{ "ul" };
builder.add_child("li" , "Hello" ).add_child("li" , "world" );
cout << builder.str() << endl;
Fluence Builder Method can return whatever in reference(&) or pointer (*). Just do what you want. Force to use Builder Class delete public constructor
struct HtmlElement
string name;
string text;
vector< HtmlElement> elements;
const size_t indent_size = 2 ;
static unique_ptr< HtmlBuilder> build(const string& root_name)
return make_unique< HtmlBuilder> (root_name);
protected :
HtmlElement() {}
HtmlElement(const string& name, const string & text)
: name{name}, text{text} {}
struct HtmlBuilder
operator HtmlElement () const { return root; }
HtmlElement root;
/* skip */
/* Can use move semantic */
HtmlElement HtmlBuilder:: build() const
return root;
- style builder
struct Tag
string name;
string text;
vector< Tag> children;
vector< pair< string, string> > sttributes;
friend ostream& operator << (std:: ostream& os, const Tag& tag)
/* skip implementation */
protected :
Tag(const string& name, const string& text)
: name {name}, text{text} {}
Tag(const string & name, const vector< Tag>& children)
: name{name}, children{children} {}
struct P : Tag
explicit P (const string& text)
: Tag{"p" , text} {}
P(initializer_list< Tag> children)
: Tag{"p" , children} {}
struct IMG : Tag
explicit IMG (const string& url
: Tag{"img" , "" }
attributes.emplace_back({"src" , url});
std:: cout <<
P {
IMG { "" }
<< std:: endl;
Composite Builder
class PersonBuilderBase
protected :
Person& person;
explicit PersonBuilderBase (Person& person)
: person{ person } {}
public :
operator Person()
return std:: move(person);
PersonAddressBuilder lives () const ;
PersonJobBuilder works () const ;
class PersonBiulder : public PersonBuilderBase
Person p;
public :
PersonBuilder() : PersonBuilderBase{p} {}
class PersonAddressBuilder : public PersonBuilderBase
typedef PersonAddressBuilder self;
public :
explicit PersonAddressBuilder(Person& person)
: PersonBuilderBase { person } {}
self& at(std:: string street_address)
person.street_address = street_address;
return * this ;
self& with_postcode(std:: string post_code) { /* skip */ }
self& in(std:: string city) { /* skip */ }
Person p = Person:: create()
.lives().at("123 London Road" )
.with_postcode("SW1 1GB" )
.in("London" )
.works().at("PragmaSoft" )
.as_a("Consultant" )
.earning(10e6 );
Summary The purpose of Builder Pattern
is to create a complicate object, which needs a combination of many items. Properties of Builder PatternIf you use the influence interface builder, just need only one call chain. Of course, the builder methods are constructed to return this
(pointer) or *this
(reference). Hide public outter constructor of target object to force using builder class or method. Also can define good operators to achieve this. Awesome groovy
-style builder can be constructed with uniform initialiing syntax. A Builder interface can expose other sub builders. (refer to composite builder)