- https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/program/schedule/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6PeNpPhIF8&t=1s&ab_channel=CNCF%5BCloudNativeComputingFoundation%5D
You were paged! Why!?
- Observability:
- Understand resource usage, changes with deployments, rollouts
- Identify issues and unexpected behavior with applications
- Alerting on unexpected conditions
- Node stability:
- Kubelet subcomponents:
- (e.g. eviction manager) depend on metrics to understand which pods to evict:
- e.g. pod that over consumes ephemeral storage will be evicted
- (e.g. eviction manager) depend on metrics to understand which pods to evict:
- Kubelet subcomponents:
There’s a lot of metrics in k8s…
Node Level Metrics (i.e. node-exporter)
Kubernetes component metrics (e.g. api-server, controller manager, scheduler, kubelet etc)
Derived metrics from API resources( e.g. kube-state-metrics)
Pod and Containers [Workload] metrics
Today we will be focusing on Pod and Containers [Workload} metrics]
cAdvisor Humble Beginning
What is cAdvisor?
- Provides observability for containerized workloads:
- Scrapes and collects containers running on the node
- Parses the information and provides in multiple formats
- “In tree” support for docker, containerd, CRI-O
- Uses runc’s libcontainer library to scrape cgroupfs
- cAdvisor can be used in:
- “standalone mode” - Run as daemonset
- “library” - Use it as a library from golang
- Kubelet depends on cAdvisor as a library
There’s quite a few metrics
Where do the workload metrics come from?
- cgroups [v1 & v2]
- Linux Kernel feature that provides ability to:
- Group a set of process hierarchically
- Set of controllers (cpu, memory, io, etc…) to manage and limit resources in groups and provide monitoring
- Allow us to:
- Limit usage of group of process (amount of CPU or memory or pids).
- Measure resource usage for a group of processes
- Linux Kernel feature that provides ability to:
A Day in the Life of a Metric
- Cgroup value -> runc libcontainer -> cAdvisor -> /metrics/cadivsor, /stats/summary
How is cAdvisor exposed today
- Kubelet exposes the cAdvisor metrics via:
- /metrics/cadvisor (direct prometheus)
kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/kind-worker/proxy/metrics/cadvisor"
- /stats/summary (json)
kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/kind-worker/proxy/stats/summary"
- /metrics/cadvisor (direct prometheus)
- Kubelet also depends on cAdvisor for:
- Gathering node level stats
- Eviction Manager
Case study
- For each resource (cpu, memory, IO, storage) consider:
- Utilization: the average time that the resource was busy servicing work
- Saturation: the degree to which the resource has extra work which it can’t service, often queued
- Errors (if applicable)
CPU Requests & Limits
- Requests: Minimum Floor for CPU - you will always get CPU request
- Limtis: Ceiling for CPU - you will be throttled going above
- How does it work?:
- CPU Shares
- CFS Bandwidth Control:
- CPU Quota [time slice] and CPU Period (100 ms)
CPU Saturation
- What container workload metrics measuring throttling?:
- Throttled Percentage = Throttled Periods / Total Periods
CPU throttling
- How do we fix it?: Increase the CPU limit (and requests)
Future of Metrics
cAdvisor Limitations
- Monolithic design
- Barely CRI aware
- Kernel separated containers not supported:
- Windows
- Kata containers, etc
- Duplicated:
- Performance impact
Who should own metrics collection?
- CRI-O? cAdvisor? containerd?
- cAdvisor takes metrics collection
- cri-o & containerd push the metrics to the CRI
- https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-node/2371-cri-pod-container-stats/README.md
- https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/issues/2371
How CRI stats will be exposed tomorrow
Kubelet exposes the CRI metrics via:
:- Interpreted from metrics object of CRI
:- Interpreted from Stats object of CRI
:- Interpreted from Stats object of CRI
Kubelet still depends on cAdvisor for:
- Gathering node level stats
- Eviction Manager
Alpha: implementation
Beta: Testing (Accuracy, Metric coverage, Performance)
End user impact?
- Hopefully, none!:
- /stats/summary is a stable API of the Kubelet and its fields can be relied upon
- /metrics/cadvisor has become a “stable” API of the Kubelet
- In general: testing should prevent regressions
- Observability helps gain insights in your application performance
- cAdvisor powers workload and container monitoring in Kubernetes We are working on KEP-2371, “cAdvisor-less, CRI-full Container and Pod Stas KEP” moves pod and container stats into the CRI