- Large and Fast : Exploiting Memory Hierarchy5.
Principle of Locality
- Temporal locality
- Spatial locality
Taking Advantage of Locality
- Memory hierarchy
- Store everything on disk (lowest level)
- Copy recently accessed (and nearby) items from disk to smaller DRAM(e.g. Main Memory)
- copy more recently accessed (and nearby) items from DRAM to smaller SRAM memory(e.g. Cache memory attached to CPU)
Memory Hierarchy Levels
- A block (aka line) : unit of copying
- If accessed data is present in upper level
- Hit : access satisfied by upper level
- Hit ratio: hits/accesses
- Hit : access satisfied by upper level
- If accessed data is absent
- Miss : block copied from lower level
- Time taken : miss penalty
- Miss ratio : misses/accesses = 1 - hit ratio
- Then accessed data supplied from upper level
- Miss : block copied from lower level
Memory Technology
- Static RAM (SRAM) : 0.5ns - 2.5ns, $2000 - $5000 per GB
- Dynamic RAM(DRAM) : 50ns - 70ns, $20 - $75 per GB
- Magnetic disk : 5ms - 20ms, $0.20 - $2 per GB
- Ideal memory
- Access time of SRAM
- Capacity and cost/GB of disk
SRAM Technology
- Data stored using 6~8 transistors in an IC
- fast, but expensive
- fixed access time to any datum
- no refresh needed
- usually for caches, integrated on processor chips
DRAM Technology
- Data stored as a charge in a capacitor
- Single transistor used to access the charge
- Must periodically be refreshed
- Read contents and write back
- Performed on a DRAM “row”
- Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)
- DRAM with clocks to improve bandwidth
- Ex> Double data rate (DDR) DRAM
- Transfer on rising and falling clock edges
Flash Memory
- Non-volatile semiconductor storage ( a type of EEPROM)
- 100x - 1000x faster than disk
- smaller, lower power, more robust
- But more $/GB (between disk and DRAM)
- Types
- NOR flash : bit cell like a NOR gate
- Random read/write access
- Used for instruction memory in embedded systems
- NAND flash : bit cell like a NAND gate
- Denser (bits/area), but block-at-a-time access
- Cheaper per GB
- Used for USB keys, media storage, …
- NOR flash : bit cell like a NOR gate
- Flash bits wears out after 1000’s of accesses
- Not suitable for direct RAM or disk replacemenet
- Wear leveling : remap data to less used blocks
Disk Storage
- Nonvolatile, rotating magnetic storage
Disk Sectors and Access
- Each sector records : Sector ID, Data(512 bytes, 4096 bytes proposed), Error correcting code (ECC), Synchronization fields and gaps
- Access to a sector involves : Queuing delay if other accesses are pending, Seek(move the heads), Rotational latency, Data transfer,Controller overhead
Disk Access Example
Given : 512B sector, 15000rpm, 4ms average seek time, 100MB/s transfer rate, 0.2ms controller overhead, idle disk
Average read time
= 4ms (seek time)
1/2 / (15000 (rpm) / 60 (min/s) ) (rotational latency)
512 / 100 MB/s (transfer time)
0.2ms controller delay
= 6.2ms
If actual average seek time is 1 ms ⇒ Average read time = 3.2ms
Disk Performance Issues
- Manufacturers quote average seek time
- Based on all possible seeks
- Locality and OS scheduling lead to smaller actual average seek times
- Smart disk controller allocate physical sectors on disk
- Present logical sector interface to host
- Disk drives include caches
- Prefetch sectors in anticipation of access
- Avoid seek and rotational delay
The Basics of Cache Memory
- Cache memory : The level of the memory hierarchy closest to the CPU
Direct Mapped Cache
- Location determined by address
- Direct mapped : only one choice ( ex : (block address) modulo (#Blocks in cache))
Tags and Valid Bits
- How do we know which particular block is stored in a cache location
- Store block address as well as the data
- Actually, only need the high-order bits
- Called the tag
- What if there is no data in a location?
- Valid bit : 1 = present, 0 = not present, Initially 0
Block Size Considerations
- Larger blocks should reduce miss rate
- But in fixed-sized cache
- Larger blocks ⇒ fewer of them (increased miss rate)
- Larger blocs ⇒ pollution
- Larger miss penalty
- Can override benefit of reduced miss rate
- Early restart and critical-word-first can help
Cache (Read) Misses
- On cache hit, CPU proceeds normally
- On cache miss
- Stall the CPU pipeline
- Fetch block from next level of hierarchy
- Instruct main memory to perform a read and wait form the memory to complete its access
- Write content into the cache entry (including data, tag, and valid bit)
- Restart cache access
- For instruction cache miss
- Send original PC value (that is, PC -4), and restart instruction fetch
- For data cache miss
- Complete data access
- For instruction cache miss
Cache (Write) Misses
- Similar to cache read misses, but need extra steps
- What should happen on a write miss?
- On data-write hit, could just update the block in cache
- But if ‘store’ writes something only into the cache, then memory will have different value from that in the cache ⇒ inconsistency!
- Always update both the cache and the memory.
- write to cache first, then write also to memory
- simple
- But makes writes take longer
- if base CPI = 1, 10% of instructions are stores, write to memory takes 100 cycles → Effective CPI = 1 + 0.1x100 = 11
- Solution : need write buffer
- Holds data waiting to be written to memory
- CPU continues immediately
- only stalls on write if write buffer is already full
- update only the cache, and write the modified block to memory when it is replaced
- On data-write hit, just update the block in cache
- Keep track of whether each block is “dirty”
- When a dirty block is replaced
- Write it back to meory
- Can use a write buffer to allow replacing block to be read first
- On data-write hit, just update the block in cache
- Usually faster, but much more complex
- we cannot overwrite the cache before detecting miss (since previous value may be dirty)
- thus, we must detect first, and when write to cache(→extra cycle)
Write Allocation
- On a write miss, should we fetch the memory into cache?
- For write-through, two alternatives:
- Allocate on miss: fetch the block
- Write around : don’t fetch the block
- Since programs often write a whole block before reading it
- For write-back
- Usually fetch the block
Measuring Cache Performance
- Cpu time = (CPU execution time) + (Memory-stall time)
- Program execution cycles
- Includes cache hit time
- Memory stall cycles
- Mainly from cache misses
- Program execution cycles
- With simplifying assumptions
assuming similar cycles for read and write (ignoring write buffer stalls)
Memory stall cycles =
Memory accesses / Program * Miss rate * Miss penalty
- Instructions / Program * Misses/Instruction * Miss penalty
Average Access Time
- Hit time is also important for performance
- although we assumed this as part of CPU execution time..
- Average memory access time (AMAT)
- AMAT = Hit time + Miss rate * Miss penalty
Associative Caches
- Unlike ‘Direct-mapped’ Caches
- where there is only one cache entry location for any block.
- Fully assocative
- Allow a given block to go in any cache entry
- More flexible, and reduces miss rate!
- Requires all entries to be searched at once
- Comparator per entry → Expensive!
- M-way Set assocative
- Each set contains M entries
- Block number determines which set
- Search all entries in a given set at once
- M comparators (less expensive)
How much Associativity
- Increased associativity decreases miss rate
- But with diminishing returns
- Also, may increase search time or cost
- Choice depends on the cost of a miss versus the cost of implementing associativity, both in time and in extra hardware
- Size of Tags versus set associativity
Replacement Policy
- Direct mapped : no choice
- Set associative
- Prefer non-valid entry, if there is one
- Otherwise, choose among entries in the set → but how?
- Least-recently used(LRU)
- Choose the one unused for the longest time
- Simple for 2-way, manageable for 4-way, too hard beyond that
- Choose the one unused for the longest time
- Random
- Gives approximately the same performance as LRU for high associativity
Multilevel Caches
- Primary cache attached to CPU
- small, but fast
- Focus on minimal hit time
- L-1 cache usually smaller than a single cache
- L-1 block size smaller than L-2 block size
- Level-2(L-2) cache services misses from primary cache
- Larger, slower, but still faster than main memory
- Focus on low miss rate to avoid main memory access
- Hit time has less overall impact
- Main memory services L-2 cache misses
- Some high-end systems include L-3 cache
- Encoding/Decoding
- error detection/correction
- encryption/decryption
- compression/decompression
- modulation/demodulation
- If error is detected
- may drop data
- may try to fix the error