layout : wiki title : 컴파일러 수업 정리 summary : 2022-1 컴파일러 수업 정리 date : 2022-03-25 22:26:53 +0900 lastmod : 2022-06-15 15:53:46 +0900 tags : [lecture] draft : false parent : lectures
- Programming Languages
- Notations for describing computations to people and to machines
- All the software running on all the computers was written in some programming languages
- Before a program can be run, it first must be translated into a form in which it can be executed by a computer
- Compilers
- The software systems that do this translation
The Move to Higher-Level Languages
- The evolution of programming languages
- Machine Languages : Machine instructions(= the patterns of 0’s and 1’s)
- Assembly Langues :
ADD t1,t2
- Higher-Level Lanagues : C, C++, Java, Python
Using High-Level Languages is a Free Lunch?
- No
- How can a program written in some high-level language be executed by computer?
- Language translation (additional process) is required
- How can a program written in some high-level language be executed by computer?
The Major Role of Language Processors
- Language Translation
- Translates source code (e.g., C, C++, Java, Python, …) into semantically-equivalent target code (e.g., Assembly / Machin languages)
- Error Detection
- Detects and reports any errors in the soruce program duting the translation process
Two Representative Strategies
Compilation | Interpretation | |
What to translate | An entire source program | One statement of a source program |
When to translate | Once before the program runs | Every time when the statement is executed |
Translation Result | A target program (equivalent to the source program) | Target code (equivalent to the statement) |
Examples | C, C++ | Javascript |
- Pros: Runs faster, Optimized, No dependencies
- Cons: Additional Step, Incompatibility issue, Hard to Debug
- Pros: Execution Control, Cross Platform, Easier to Debug
- Cons: Slower, Not Optimized, Dependencies file rquired
Hybrid Compilers:
- Combine compilation and interpretation (e.g., Java, Python)
Common Language-Processing Systems
- source program -> Preprocessor - (modified source program) -> Compiler - (target assembly program) -> Assembler - (relocatable machine code) -> Linker/Loader -> target machine code
Requirements for Designing Good Compilers
- Correctness (Mandatory)
- Performance Improvment (Optional)
- Reasonable Compilation Time (Optional)
Structure of Modern Compilers
- Modern compilers preserve the outlines of the FORTRAN I compiler
- The first compiler, in the last 1950s
- source program -> Lexical Analyzer -> Syntax Analyzer -> Semantice Analyer -> Intermeidate Code Generator -> Code Optimizer -> Code Generator
Lexical Analyzer (Scanner)
- Devides the stream of characters into meaningful sequences and produces a set of tokens
- Input : Character stream
- Output : Token
Syntax Analyzer (Parser)
- Creates a tree-like intermediate representation (e.g., syntax tree) that depicts the grammatical structure of the token stream
- Input : Token
- Output : Syntax Tree
Semantic Analyzer
- Checks the source program for semantic consistency with the language definition (e.g., type checking/conversion)
- Input : Syntax tree
- Output : Syntax tree
Intermediate Code Generator
- Constructs intermediate representations
- They should be easy to produce and easy to translate into a targe tmachine code
- Input: Syntax tree
- Output : Intermediate representation
Code Optimization (Optional)
- Attempts to improve the intermediate code so that better target code will result (e.g., better code = faster or shorter code)
- Input : Intermediate representation
- Output : Intermediate representation
Code Generator
- Maps an intermediate representation of the source into the target language
- Input : Intermeidate representation
- Output : Target-machine code
Lexical Analysis
Part1. Specification of Tokens
- What does a lexical analzyer do?
- Reading the input characters of a source program
- Grouping the characters into meaningful sequences, called lexemes
- Producing a sequence of tokens
- Storing the token information into a symbol table
- Sending the tokens to a syntax analzyer
Definition: Tokens
- A token is a syntactic category
- Examples:
- In English: noun, verb, adjective, …
- In a programming language: identifer, number, operator, …
- Tokens are structured as a pair consisting of a token name and an optional token value
- Example: an identifier A
- Its token name is “identifier” and its token value is “A”
- Example: an identifier A
- Examples:
Definition: Lexemes
- A lexeme is a sequence of characters that mathces the patterns ofr a token
- Pattern: a set of rules that defines a token
- Examples
Token (token name) Lexeme IDENTIFIER( or simple ID) pi, score, i, j, k Number 0, 3.14, … IF if COMMA , LPAREN ( LITERAL “Hello World” COMPARISION <, >, <=, ==, …
Class of Tokens
- Keyword:
- e.g., IF for if, ELSE for ele, FLOAT for float, CHAR for char
- Operators:
- e.g., ADD for +, COMPARISON for <, >, == , and ..
- Identifiers:
- e.g., ID for all kinds of identifiers
- Constants:
- e.g., NUMBER for any numeric constant, INTEGER, REAL, LITERAL
- Punctuation Symbols:
- e.g., LPAREN for (, COMMA for ,
- Whitespace
- e.g., a non-empty sequence of blanks, newlines, and tabs
- Lexical analzyers usually discard uninteresting tokens that don’t contribute to parsing (e.g., whitespace, comment)
- e.g., a non-empty sequence of blanks, newlines, and tabs
Lexical Anlysis does
- Partitioning input strings into sub-strings (lexemes)
- Identifying the token of each lexeme
For the specifcation of tokens
- Why do we use “reuglar languages”?
- Simple, but powerful enough to describe the pattern of tokens
- The coverage of formal languages
- Reuglar Lnague < Context-Free Language < Context-Sensitive Language < Recursively Enumerable Language
Definition: Alphabet, String, and Language
An alphabet $\Sigma$ is nay finite set of symbols
- Letter = $\Sigma^L$ = {a, b, c, …, z, A, B, C, … , Z}
- Digit = $\Sigma^D$ = {0, 1, …, 9}
A string s over alaphabet $\Sigma$ is a finite sequence of symbols drawn from the alphabet:
- If $\Sigma = { 0 }$, s = 0, 00, 000, or, …
- If $\Sigma = { a, b }$, s = a, b, aa, ab, …
A language L is any set of strings over some fixed alphabet $\Sigma$
If $\Sigma = { a, b}$, $L_1 = {a, ab, ba, aba }$ and $L_2 = { a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, aa, … }$ - $L_1$ is a finite language (the number of strings in the language is finite) - $L_2$ is an infinite language (the number of strings in the language is infinite)
Operations on Strings
- $s$: A string (A finite sequence of symbols over alphabet $\Sigma$)
- $\vert s \vert$ : The length of s (the number of occurences of symbols in $s$)
- $s_1 s_2$ : Concatenation of $s_1$ and $s_2$
- $\epsilon$ : An empty string
- $s^i$ : Exponentiation of $s$ (concatenation of $s$ i-times)
Operations on Languages
- $L$ : A language (A set of strings over alphabet $\Sigma$)
- $L_1 \cup L_2$: Union of $L_1$ and $L_2$ {s $\vert$ s in $L_1$ or s is in $L_2$}
- $L_1L_2$ : Concatenation of $L_1$ and $L_2$ {$s_1s_2$ $\vert$ $s_1$ is in $L_1$ and $s_2$ is in $L_2$}
- $L^i$ : Concatenation of $L$ i-times
- $L^*$ : Kleene closure of $L$ (Concatenation of $L$ zero or more times)
- $L^+$ : Positive closure of $L$ (Concatenation of $L$ one or more times)
Regurlar Expressions
- A notation of describing regular languages
- Each regular expression $r$ describes a regular language $L(r)$
- Basic regular expressions
Regular expression | Expressed regular language |
$\epsilon$ | $L(\epsilon) = { \epsilon }$ |
$a$ | $L(a) = { a }$, where $a$ is a symbol in alphabet $\Sigma$ |
$r_1 \vert r_2$ | $L(r_1) \cup L(r_2)$, where $r_1$ and $r_2$ are regular expressions |
$r_1 r_2$ | $L(r_1r_2) = L(r_1) L(r_2) = { s_1 s_2 \vert s_1 \in L(r_1) \text{ and } s_2 \in L(r_2)}$ |
$r^*$ | $L(r^*) = \Cup_{i \ge 0} L(r^i)$ |
- A An expression is a regular expression
- If and only if it can be described by using the basic reuglar expressions only
Rules for Regular Expressions
- Precedence : exponentiation (*, +) > concatenation > union ($\vert$)
- $(r_1) \vert (r_2)^* (r_3)) = r_1 \vert r_2^* r_3$
- Equivalence:
- $r_1 = r_2, \text{ if } L(r_1 = L(r_2))$
- Algebraic laws
Operations Laws $\vert$(union) - Communitative :$r_1 \vert r_2 = r_2 \vert r_1$, - Associative : $r_1 \vert (r_2 \vert r_3) = (r_1 \vert r_2) \vert r_3$ \ concatenation - Associative : $r_1 (r_2r_3) = (r_1 r_2)r_3$, - Concatenation distributes over $\vert$ : $r_1(r_2 \vert r_3) = r_1 r_2 \vert r_1 r_3$ $\epsilon$ - The identity ofr concatenation : $r-1 \epsilon = \epsilon r_1 = r_1$ $a^*$ - Idempotent: $a^{**} = a^{*}$
Examples of Specifying Tokens
- $Keyword = if \vert else \vert for \vert \cdots$
- $Comparision = < \vert > \vert <= \vert >= \vert \cdots$
- $Whitespace = \text{ } \vert \text{\t} \vert \text{\n} \vert \cdots$
- $Digit = [0-9] = 0 \vert 1 \vert \cdots \vert 9$
- $Integer = Digit^*$
- $Identifier = {letter_ } ({letter_ } \vert {digit})^*$
- $optionalFraction = .Integer \vert \epsilon$
- $optionalExpoent = (E (+ \vert - \vert \epsilon) Integer) \vert \epsilon$
- $Float = \text{Integer optionalFraction optionalExponent}$
To Recognize Tokens
- Merge the regular expression of tokens $Merged = Keyword \vert Identifier \vert Comparison \vert Float \vert Whitespace \vert \cdots$
- When an input stream $a_1 a_2 a_3 \cdots a_n$ is given,
mIdx = 0;
for i <= i <= n
if a_1 a_2 ... a_n \in L(Merged), mIdx = i;
partition and classify a_1 a_2 ... a_{mIdx}
- Do the step 2 for the remaning input stream
- What does a lexical analyzer do?
- token
- getNextToken
- How to specify the pattern for tokens? Regular Languages
- How to recognize the tokens from input streams? Finite Automata
Part 2. Recognition of Tokens
Finite Automata
- The implementation ofr recognizing tokens
- It accepts or rejects inputs based on the patterns specified in the form of regular expressions
- A finite automata $M = {Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F}$
- A finite set of sets $Q= {q_0, q_1, …, q_i}$
- An input alphabet $\Sigma$: a finite set of input symbols
- A start state $q_0$
- A set of accepting (or final) states $F$ which is a subset of $Q$
- A set of state transition functions $\delta$
- A finite automata can be expressed in the form of graphs, a transition graph
- A finite automata can be also expressed in the form of table, a transition table
Deterministic vs. Non-deterministic
- Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA):
- (Exactly or at most) one transition for each state and for each input symbol
- No $\epsilon$-moves
- Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA):
- Multiple transitions for each state and for each input symbol are allowed
- $\epsilon$-moves are allowed
- DFAs and NFAs can recognize the same set of regular languages
- DFA:
- One deterministic path for a single input
- Accepted if and only if the path is from the start state one of the final states
- NFA:
- Multiple possible paths for a single input
- Accepted if and only if any path among hte possible paths is from the start state to one of the final states
DFA | NFA | |
transitions | All transitions are deterministic | Some transitions could be non-deterministic |
$\epsilon$-move | x | o |
# paths for a given input | Only one | One or more |
Accepting condition | For a given input, its path must end in one of accepting states | For a given input, there must be at least one path ending in one of accepting states |
Pros | Fast to execute | Simple to represent (easy to make/understand) |
Cons | Complex ->space problem (exponentially larger than NFA) | Slow -> performance problem (several paths) |
Procedures for Implementing Lexical Analyzers
- Lexical Specifications -> Regular Expressions -> NFA -> DFA(in the form of a transition table)
Regular Expressions to NFAs
- McNaughton-Yamada-Thompson algorithm
- This works recursively by splitting an expression into its constituent subexpressions
NFAs to DFAs
- Subset (powerset) construction algorithm:
- Basic idea: Grouping a set of NFA states reachable after seeing some input strings
- Definitions:
- $\epsilon$-closure($q^N$) : A set of NFA states reachable from NFA state $q^N$ with only $\epsilon$-moves ($q^N$ is also included)
- $\epsilon$-closure(T) : A set of NFA states reachable from some NFA state in a set $T = { q_i, … }$ with only $\epsilon$ - moves
- What does a lexical analyzer do?
- Reading the input characters of a source program
- Grouping the characters into meaningful sequences, called lexemes
- Producing a sequence of tokens
- Storing the token information into a symbol table
- Sending the tokens to a syntax analzyer
Syntax Analysis (Parser)
Part 1. Context-Free Grammars (CFG)
Syntax Analyzer
- Decides whether a given set of tokens is valid or not
- Parse tree:
- It shows how the start symbol of a grammar derives a string in the language
- Given a context-free grammar, a parse tree is a tree is a tree with the following properties:
- The root is labeled by the start symbol
- Each leaf is labeled by a terminal or by $\epsilon$
- Each interior node is labeled by a non-terminal
- If $A$ is the non-terminal labeling some interior node and $X_1, …, X_n$ are the labels of the children of that node from left to right, then there must be a production $A \rightarrow X_1 X_2 \cdots X_n$
- Creates a tree-like intermediate representation (e.g., parse tree) that depicts the grammatical structure of the token stream
Why don’t we use regular expressions?
- It is not sufficient to depict the syntax of programming languages
Context-Free Grammars (CFG)
- A notation for describing context free languages
- A CFG consists of:
- Terminals: the basic symbols (usually, token name = terminal)
- Terminals can not be replaced
- Non-terminals: syntactic variables:
- Non-terminals can be replaced by other non-terminals or terminals
- A start symbol: one non-terminal (usually, the non-terminals of the first rule)
- Productions(->) : a rule for replacement
- Terminals: the basic symbols (usually, token name = terminal)
- It is good at expressing the recursive structure of a program
- In our programming languages, recursive structures are very frequently observed.
- A derivation ($\Rightarrow$) is a sequence of replacements.
- $\Rightarrow^*$ : Do derivations zero or more times
- A rule for derivations:
- Leftmost($\Rightarrow_{lm}$) : replace the left-most non-terminal first
- Rightmost($\Rightarrow_{rm}$) : replace the right-most non-terminal first
Token Validation Test
- Definition : A sentinel form of a CFG G
- $\alpha$ is a sentinel form of G, if $A \Rightarrow^* \alpha$, where A is the start symbol of G
- If $A \Rightarrow_{lm}^* \alpha$ or $A \Rightarrow_{rm}^* \alpha$, $\alpha$ is a (left or right) sentinel form of G
- $\alpha$ is a sentinel form of G, if $A \Rightarrow^* \alpha$, where A is the start symbol of G
- Definition: A sentence of a CFG G:
- $\alpha$ is a sentence form of G,
- If $\alpha$ is a sentinel form of a CFG G which consists of terminals only
- Definition: A language of a CFG G:
- $L(G)$ is a language of a CFG G
- $L(G) = { \alpha \vert \alpha \text{ is a sentence of G}}$
- If an input string (e.g., a token set) is in $L(G)$, we can say that it is valid in G
- Decides whether a given set of tokens is valid or not
- Q. How to specify the rule for deciding valid token set?
- A. Make a context free grammar G based on the rule of a programming language
- Q. How to distinguish between valid and invalid token sets?
- A. Check whether the given token set can be derived from the context free grammar G
- Creates a tree-like intermediate representation (e.g., parse tree) that depicts the grammatical structure of the token stream
Semantic Analyzer
- Check many kinds of semantic grammars:
- Semantic grammars can be different depending on the programming language
- Common semantic grammars:
- Scope checking:
- All variables must be declared before their use (globally or locally)
- All variables must be declared only once (locally)
- All functions must be declared only once (globally)
- Type checking:
- All variables must be used with the right type of constant or variables
- All functions must be used with the right number and type of arguments
- Scope checking:
Part 1: Scope Checking
- The scope of an identifier is the portion of a program in which the identifier can be accessed:
- Scope matches identifier declarations with uses
- The same identifier may refer to different things in different scopes
- Two type of scope:
- Static scope (used in most programming languages):
- Scope depends on the physical structure of program text:
- e.g., {}, ()
- Scope depends on the physical structure of program text:
- Dynamic scope (use in LISP, SNOBOL):
- Scope depends on execution of the program:
- e.g., the most currently declared identifier is used
- Scope depends on execution of the program:
- Static scope (used in most programming languages):
- In most programming langues, the scope of identifiers are determined with:
- Function declarations
- Class declarations
- Variable declarations
- Formal parameters
The Most-Closely Nested Scope Rule
- An identifier is matched with the identifier declared in the most-closely nested scope:
- The identifier should be declared before it is used
Implementation of Scope Checking
- While travelling AST:
- Update the symbol table with the scope information
- But such simple solution can occur problems:
- Problem 1: Ambiguity
- Problem 2: Inefficiency
- Construct a symbol table for each scope, describing a nesting structure
- Update the symbol table with information about what identifiers are in the scope
- When an identifier is used, find the identifier in the current symbol table:
- If not exist, moves to its parent table and find the identifier in the table
- Repeat this process until the identifier is detected or their is no more parent table
- How to support function call/class name used before declarations?:
- Solution: Multi-pass scope checking:
- Pass 1: Gather information about all function/class names
- Pass 2: Do scope checking
- Solution: Multi-pass scope checking:
Summary: Scope Checking
- The scope of an identifier is the portion of a program in which the identifier can be accessed:
- Scope mathces identifier declarations with uses
- The same identifier may refer to different things in different scopes
- For scope check, we use the most-closely nested scope rule:
- Construct a symbol table for each scope, describing a nesting structure
- Udpate the symbol table with information about what identifiers are in the scope
- When an identifier is used, find the identifier in the current symbol table
- Semantic analysis usually requires multiple (probably more than two) passes:
- To allow to use function calls/ class names before declaration
Part 2: Type Checking
Type, Type System, and Type Checking
- What is a type (data type)?:
- An attribute of data which teslls compilers how programmers intend to use the data
- What is a type system?:
- A set of rules that assign specific types to the various constructs of a computer program
- What is a type checking?:
- Ensuring that the types of the operands match the type expected by the operator
- Why do we need type checking?:
- We cannot distinguish expressions without type in the assembly languagee level
- We should do the type checking with higher-level representations
Two Kinds of Languages
- Statically-typed languages:
- The type of a variable is determined/known at compile time
- Type checking is performed during compile-time (before run-time)
- Advantage: better run-time performance + easy-to-understand/easy-to-find type-related bugs(due to strict rules)
- Dynamically-typed languages:
- The type of a variable is assocatied with run-time values
- Type checking is performed on the fly, during execution
- Advnatage: higher flexibility + rapid prototyping support
How Types are Used/Checked in Practice?
- In statically-typed lanagues:
- Programmers declare types for all identifiers statically:
- Types are ssociated with specific keywords
- Programmers declare types for all identifiers statically:
- Compilers:
- Infer the type of each expression from the types of its components
- Confirm that the types of expressions matches what is expected
Rules of Inference
- Inference rules usually have the form of “if-then’ statements:
- If hypothesis is true, then conclusion is true
- Type checking computes via reasoning
- Notations for rules of inferences:
- x: T = x has type T
- $\frac{Hypothesises}{Conclusions}$ = if-then statement, “if Hypothesises are true, Conclustions are true”
- $\vdash$ = “we can infer”
- Examples:
- For an expression A && B:
- If we can infer that A has type bool and B has type bool, then we can infer that A && B has type bool:
- $$\frac{\text{We can infer that A has type bool and B has type bool}}{\text{We can infer that A && B has type bool}} \ \frac{\vdash \text{A has type bool } \vdash \text{B has type bool}}{\vdash \text{A && has type bool}} \ \frac{\vdash A:bool \vdash B:bool}{\vdash \text{A && B}: bool}$$
- If we can infer that A has type bool and B has type bool, then we can infer that A && B has type bool:
- For an expression A && B:
Problem #1: Free Variables
- Free variables?:
- A variable is free in an expression if its type if not defined/declared within the expression
Solution: Adding Scope Information
- Scoping information can give types for free variables
- $$S \vdash e:T$$
- We can infer that an exression e has type T in scope S:
- Types are now proven relative to the scope the expression are in
- So far, we’ve defined inference rules for expressions
- Q. How to check whether statements are semantically well-formed or not?
Solution: Defining Well-Formedness Rules
- Extend our proof system (rules of inferences) to statements
- $$S \vdash WF(stmt)$$
- We can infer that a statement stmt is semantically well-formed in scope S
How Types are Used/Checked in Practice?
- In statically-typed language, programmers declare types for all identifiers:
- Types are associated with specific keywords
- Compilers:
- Infer the type of each expression from the types of its components
- Confirm that the types of expressions matches what is expected
- Especially, by using the rules of inference + scope information + well-formedness rules
- How to use the inference rules for type checking?:
- First, before doing type-checking
- For each statement:
- Do type checking for any subexpressions it contains
- Do type checking for child statements
- Check the overall well-formedness
Summary: Type checking
- Ensuring that the types of the operands match the type expected by the operator
- In statically-typed lanauges:
- Programmers declare tyeps for all identifiers statically:
- Types are associated with specific keywords
- Programmers declare tyeps for all identifiers statically:
- Compilers:
- Infer the type of each expression from the types of its components
- Confirm that the types of expressions matches what is expected
- Especially, by using the rules of inference + scope information + well-formedness rules
- How to use the inference rules for type checking?:
- Before doing type checking, do scope-checking, first
- For each statement:
- Do type-checking for any sub-expressions it contains
- Do type-checking for child statements
- Check the overall well-formedness
Compilers: Intermediate Code Generator
Tree Address Code (TAC)
Intermediate Code Generator
- Translates a high-level intermediate representation (e.g., parse trees or AST) into a low-level intermediate representation (e.g., three address code)
- Why do we use an intermediate representation?:
- Easy-to-understand/optimize:
- Doing optimizations on an intermediate representation is much easier and clearer than that on a machine-level code
- A machine code has many constraints that inhabit optimizations
- Easy-to-be-translated:
- Compared to a high-level code, it looks much more like a machine-level code
- Therefore, we can translate an intermediate representation to a machine-level code with low cost
- Easy-to-understand/optimize:
- How to design a good intermediate representation?:
- “Often a single compiler has multiple intermediate representations”
- Different intermediate representations have different information/characteristics which can be used for optimizations
- In GCC,:
- Source Code -> AST -> Generic -> High GIMPLE -> SSA -> Low GIMPLE -> RTL -> Machine Code
AST: Abstract Syntax Tree
- Abstract syntax trees look like parse trees, but without some parsing details
- We can eliminate the following nodes in parse trees:
- Single-successor nodes
- Symbols for describing syntactic details
- Non-terminals with an operator and arguments as their child nodes
- AST can be constructed by using semantic actions
TAC:Tree Address Code
- A high-level assembly where each operation has at most three operands:
- A linearized representation of AST
- Components of TAC:
- Operands (= addresses)
- Operators (= instructions)
Types of TAC:Variable Assignment
- Copy operation:
- Explicit or temporary variable = any kind of operand
- Binary operation:
- Explicit or temporary variable = any kind of operand binary operator any kind of operand:
- Binary operators:
- Arithmetic operatiors: +, -, *, /, …
- Boolean operators: &&, ||, …
- Comparision operators: ==, != …
- Binary operators:
- Explicit or temporary variable = any kind of operand binary operator any kind of operand:
- Unary operation:
- Explicit or temporary variable = unary operator any kind of operand:
- Unary operators: -, !
- Explicit or temporary variable = unary operator any kind of operand:
- Unconditional jump with label
- Conditional branch
- Call procedures
- Array operations
- Return statements
How to Represent TAC: Quadruples
- Quadruples have four fields (op, arg1, arg2, results) and they are stored in a linked list
- When constructing AST, we define TAC construction rules for each node:
- TAC construction rules:
- Operation Node
- Create a new quadruple with op
- arg1 = the computation resul of its left child
- arg2 = the computation result of its right child
- result = a new temporary variable t_i
- Store the qudruple to the end of the linked list
- Return its value
- While traveling AST, construct TAC based on the rules
- TAC construction rules for whlie:
- Create and store a neq quadruple with op = label, arg1 = a new label L_i
- Create a new quadruple with op = if not
- arg1 = the computation result of tis left child (compute condition)
- arg2 = another new lavel L_j
- Store the quadruple
- Compute the right child (compute the while statements’block)
- Create and store a new quadruple with op = goto, arg1 = L_i
- Create and store a new quadruple with op = label, arg1 = L_j
Summary: Intermediate Code Generator
- Translates a high-level intermediate representation (e.g., parse tree or AST into a low-level intermediate representation (e.g., three address code))
Code Optimization
Local Optimization
Intermediate Code Optimizer
- Improves the code generated by the intermeidate code generator:
- For optimizing the run-time performance, memory usage, and power consumption of the program, the preserving the semantics of the original program
- Why do we need optimization?:
- Intermediate code is generated without considering optimization
- Programmers write a poor code frequently
- Optimizations can be also performed with machine-level code:
- To improve performance based on the characteristics of specific machines
- Intermediate code optimizations try to improve performance more generally (independently of machines)
Basic Blocks
- A basic block is a maximal sequence of consecutive three adderes instructions:
- A program can only enter the basic block through the first instruction in the block
- The program leves the block without halting or branching at the last instruction in the block
Control Flow Graphs
- A control flow graph is a graph of the basic blocks:
- Edges indicates which blocks can fllow which other blocks
Types of Intermediate Code Optimizations
- An optimization is “local”:
- If it works on just a single basic block
- An optimization in “global”:
- If it works on an entire control-flow graph
Local Optimizations
- Typical local optimization techniques:
- Common sub-expressions elimination
- Copy propagation
- Dead code elimination
- Arithmetic simplification
- Constant folding
Implementation of Local Optimizations
Available expression analysis:
- For common sub-expressions elimination & copy propagation:
- An expression is called avilable if variabels in the expression hold an up-to-date value
- Determine for each point in a program the set of available expressions:
- Initially, no expressions are available
- Whenever we check a statement a = opeartaion:
- Any expression holding a is invalidated!
- The new expression a = operation becomes avaiable
- For common sub-expressions elimination & copy propagation:
Common sub-expressions elimination with available expressions:
- Let’s suppose that we currently check an expressio nb = operation1 and an expression a= operation1 is in the set of available expression:
- The right-hand sides of two expressions are same
- Then, replace the right-hand side of the current expression (b = operation1) by the left-hand side of the corresponding available expression( a= operation1)
- Let’s suppose that we currently check an expressio nb = operation1 and an expression a= operation1 is in the set of available expression:
Copy propagation with available expressions:
- let’s suppose that we currently check an expression c= operation with b and an expression b = a or b = constant number is in the set of available expressions
- Then, replace b in the right-hand side of the current expression (c = oepration with b) by a (the right-hand side of the corresponding avaiable expression) (b=a)
Live variable analysis:
- For dead code elimination:
- A variable is called a live variable if ti holds a value that will be needed in the future
- Two know whether a variable will be used in the future or not, checks the statements in a basic block in a reverse order:
- Initially, some small set of variables are known to be live
- Just before executing the statement a = … b …:
- a is not alive because its value will be newly overritten
- b is alive because it will be used
- For dead code elimination:
Dead code elimination with live variables:
- Let’s suppose that we currently check an expression b = operation1 and b is not a live variable after this assignment
- Then, eliminate the assignment statement
Summary: Intermediate Code Optimizer
- Improve the code generated by the intermediate code generator:
- For optimizing the run-time performance, memory usage, and power consumption of the program, but preserving the semantics of the original program
- Types of optimizations:
- Local optimizations
- Global optimizations
- Typical local optimization techniques:
- Common sub-expressions elimination:
- through avaiable expression analysis
- Copy propagation:
- through available expression analysis
- Dead code elimination:
- through live variable analysis
- Arithmetic simplification
- Constant folding
- Common sub-expressions elimination:
Global Optimization
Global Optimizations
- Work on a control-flow graph as a whole:
- Many of the local optimization techniques can be applied globally:
- Global dead code elimination
- Global copy propagation / common sub-expression elimination
- Many of the local optimization techniques can be applied globally:
Global Dead Code Elimination
Global Copy Propataion / Common Subexpressions Eliminzation
- Key idea: computer available expressions globally
Summary: Global Optimizations
- Work on a control-flow graph as a whole:
- Many of local optimization techniques can be applied globally:
- Global copy/constant propagation
- Global dead code elimination
- Some optimizations are possible in global analysis that aren’t possible locally:
- e.g. code motion: moving code from basic block into another to avoid unneccessary computations
- Many of local optimization techniques can be applied globally:
Compilers: Code Generation
Part 1: Runtiem Environment
Code Generator
- Translates an intermediate representation (e.g., three address code) into a machine-level code (e.g., assembly code)
Runtime Environment
- A set of data structures used at runtime to support high-level structures
- This environment deals with a variety of issues:
- What do objects look like in memory?:
- The representation of the objects in memory space
- What do functions look like in memory?:
- The linkages between functions
- The machanisms passing parameters
- Where in memory should objects and functions be placed?:
- The layout and allocation of memory space for the ojbects and functions
- What do objects look like in memory?:
Object Representations
Data alignment:
- Compilers determine how objects are arranged & accessed in computer memory:
- Objects are N-bytes aligned in memory space:
- N-byte alignment: the start memory address of objects is a multiple of N bytes
- N can be different depending on the type of objects
- Objects are N-bytes aligned in memory space:
- Compilers determine how objects are arranged & accessed in computer memory:
Representing arrays:
- In different programming languages, arrays are differently represented in memory space
For an array A[n],:
- C-style arrays: each element A[i] is stored consecutively in memory space(aligned based on its base type)
- Java-style arrays: each element A[i] is stored consecutiely in memory space + size information is prepended
Representing multi-dimensional arrays:
- Often represned as an array arrays
Function Representations
- Two main questions related with function representations:
- How to represent the relationship between functions?
- How to keep the information needed to manage functions?
- An invocation of a funciton F is called an activation of F:
- The lifetime of an activation of F is until all the statements in F is executed
- F can invoke another function Q:
- Then, the lifetime of an activation of F included the execution of all the statements in Q
- The relationship between function activations can be depicted as a tree, called an activation tree
Activation Records
- The information needed to manage an activation of function F:
- Input parameters:
- This is supplied by the caller of F
- Space for F’s return value:
- This is needed by the caller of F and filled when F is completed
- Control link: a pointer to the previous activation record (the caller of F)
- Machine status prior to calling F(e.g., return address, contents of registers)
- F’s local, temporary variables
- Input parameters:
- Two main questions related with function representations:
- How to represent the relationship between functions?: Use a stack
- How to keep the information needed to manage functions?: Store an activation record
Memory Layout
- Compilers determine how code and data are stored in memory:
- Assumption: a program uses contiguous memory space
- Global variables:
- All references to global variable to the same object
- Global variables cannot be stored in an activation record
- Instead, global variables are assigned a fixed address
- Statically allocated
- Activation records:
- Managed in a stack
- The stack grows from high addresses to low addresses
- Dynamically-allocated data:
- Dynamically-allocated data is managed in a heap
- The heap grows from low addresses to high addresses
- “To avoid the overlap between the stack and heap”
Summary: Runtime Envornment
A set of data structures used at runtime to support high-level structures
This environment dealts with a variety of issues:
- What do objects look like in memory?:
- “Data structure alignment, array representations..”
- What do functions look like in memory?:
- “Keep activation records functions in a tack”
- Where in memory should objects and functions be placed?:
- Determine memory layout for code and data”
- What do objects look like in memory?:
Compiler dtermines, at compile-time, the memory layout of code and data, and generates code that correctly accesses the location of target data
Part 2: Code Generation
Assembly Languages
- Any low-level(machine-level) programming language:
- Each assembly language is specific to a particular computer architecture
MIPS assembly
- Chracteristics:
- Only load and store instructions access memory
- All other instructions use registers as operands
- Registers:
- Can be accessed quickly
- Can have computations performed on them
- But, exist in small quantity
- Basic instructions:
- lw reg1 offset(reg2) : reg1 = reg2[offset]
- sw reg1 offset(reg2) : reg2[offset] = reg1
- add reg1 reg2 reg3: reg1 = reg2 + reg3:
- sub, mul, div
- seq reg1 reg2 reg3: reg1 = reg2 == reg3:
- sne, sgt, sge, slt, sle
- li reg1 immediate: reg1 = immediate
- addi reg1 reg2 immediate: reg1 = reg2 + immediate
- subi, muli, divi
- seqi reg1 reg2 immediate: reg1 = reg2 == immediate
- snei, sgti, sgei, slti, slei
Better Register Allocation
Goal: reduce the number of memory reads and writes with limited resources:
- By using no more registers than those available
- By holding as many variables as possible in registers
Register Allocation with Live Variable Analysis:
- Step 1: Do live variable analysis globally
- Step 2: Construct RIG(Register Interference Graph):
- Node: each variable
- Edge: they are alive simultaneously at some point in the program
Graph Coloring = Register ALlocation
Color = register
If the RIG is K-colorable, then there is a register allocationthat uses no more than K registers
The graph coloring problem is known as an NP-hard problem:
- No efficient algorithms are known
- The conmputation complexity of the most efficient on: O(2^n n), where n is the number of variables
- Key idea:
- Eliminate a node T which has neighbors fewer tha nK
- If the remaining RIG is K-colorable, then the RIg with T is also K-colorable
- Implementation:
- Step 1: Pick a node T with fewer than K neighbors
- Step 2: Eliminate T from the RIG and put it on a stack
- Step 3: Repeat the stp 1-2 until there is no node in the RIG
- Step 4: Pick the node in the top-of-stack
- Step 5: Assign a color different from those already assigned to colored neighbors
- Step 6: Repeat the step 4-5 until the RIG is completely restored