Chapter 1. Introduction
1.2 Three basic concepts Languages
- String : A sequence of symbolx
- Alphabet : $\Sigma = { a, b }$
String Operations
- Concatenation(연결):
- $w = a_1 a_2 … a_n$
- $v = b_1 b_2 … b_m$
- $wv = a_1 a_2 … a_n b_1 b_2 … b_m$
- 교환법칙 성립X
- Reverse(역):
- $w = a_1 a_2 … a_n$
- $w^R = a_n … a_2 a_1$
- Length(길이):
- $w = a_1 a_2 … a_n$
- $\vert w \vert = n$
- Length of concatenation:
- $\vert u v \vert = \vert u \vert + \vert v \vert$
- Empty Strings(공스트링):
- A string with no symbools : $\lambda$
- Observation : $\vert \lambda \vert = 0, \lambda w = w \lambda = w$
- Substring:
- Substring of string: a subsequnce of consecutive characters
- Prefix and Suffix:
- prefix와 suffix는 substring이다.
- $\lambda$도 substring이기 때문에 prefix, suffix에 포함된다.
- Power(제곱):
- $w^n = w w … w$
- Definition: $w^0 = \lambda$
- The * operation(스타 연산):
- $\Sigma^*$ : the set of all possible strings from alphabet $\Sigma$
- 무한집합이다.
- The + operation(플러스 연산):
- $\Sigma^+$ : the set of all possible strings from alphabet $\Sigma$ except $\lambda$
- Languages:
- A language is any subset of $\Sigma^*$
- Operations on Lanugages:
- The usual set operations:
- union, intersection, complement, relative complement
- Reverse:
- Definition $L = { w^R : w \in L }$
- Concatenation:
- Definition: $L_1 L_2 = {xy : x \in L_1, y \in L_2 }$
- 교환법칙이 성립하지 않는다.
- Another Operation:
- Definition $L^n = L L … L$
- Special case $L^0 = { \lambda }$
- Star-Closure:
- Definition: $L^* = L^0 \cup L^1 \cup L^2 \cup \cdots$
- Positive Closure:
- Definition: $L^+ = L^1 \cup L^2 \cup \cdots$
- The usual set operations:
- Grammar: $S \rightarrow aSb, S \rightarrow \lambda$
- Derivation of sentence string:
- $S \Rightarrow aSb \Rightarrow ab$
- Language of the Grammer:
- example: $S \rightarrow aSb, S \rightarrow \lambda$:
- $L = { a^n b^n : n \le 0 }$
- example: $S \rightarrow aSb, S \rightarrow \lambda$:
- More Notation:
- Grammar:$G=(V, T, S, P)$:
- V : Set of variables
- T : Set of terminal symbols
- S : Start variable
- P : Set of Productions
- Grammar:$G=(V, T, S, P)$:
- Sentential Form:
- A setence that contains variables and terminals
- $S \stackrel{*}{\Rightarrow} aaabbb$
- Different kinds of automata:
- Automata are distinguished by the temporary memory
- Finite Automata : no temporary memory
- Pushdown Automata : stack
- Turing Machines : random access memory
- Power of Automata:
- Finite Automata < Pushdown Automata < Turing Machine
- More power means it can solve more compational problems
Chatper 2. Finite Automata
2.1 Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
- Transition Graph
Determistic Finite Automata (DFA)
- $M = (Q, \Sigma, \sigma, q_0, F)$:
- $Q$ : set of states
- $\Sigma$: input alphabet
- $\sigma$: transition $\sigma : Q \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q$
- $q_0$ : initial (or start) state
- $F$ : set of final states $F \subseteq Q$
Extended Transition Function $\sigma^*$
- $\sigma^* : Q \times \Sigma^* \rightarrow Q$
Languages Accepted by DFAs
- Definition:
- The language L(M) contains all inputs strings accepted by M
Regular Languages
- Definition:
- A language L is regular if there is a DFA M such that L=L(M)
Non-determistic automata(NFA)
- An NFA accepts a string:
- when there is a computation of the NFA that accepts the string
- An NFA rejects a string:
- when there is no computation of the NFA that accepts the string
$\lambda$ - transition
Formal Definition of NFAs
- $M = (Q, \Sigma, \sigma, q_0, F)$:
- $Q$ : Set of states
- $\Sigma$ : Input alphabet
- $\sigma$ : Transition function $\sigma : Q \times (\Sigma \cup { \lambda }) \rightarrow 2^Q$
- $q_0$ : Initial state
- $F$ : Final state
Extened Transition Function $\sigma^*$
- Informally:
- $q_j \in \sigma^*(q_i, w)$ : there is a walk from $q_i$ to $q_j$ with label w
- Formally:
- The language accepted by NFA M is:
- $L(M) = {w, …}$
- where $\sigma^* (q_0, w) = {q_i, … }$ and there is some $q_k \in F$
- The language accepted by NFA M is:
Why Nondeterminism?
- Best case in multiple choices:
- Automatic backtracking
- Hide unncessary detils
- Good fit to (transform) other notations
- Basically, close to human:
- Easy to design.
Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs
- Equivalence of Machines:
Definition for automata:
- Machine $M_1$ is equivalent to machine $M_2$ if $L(M_1) = L(M_2)$
Chapter 6. Simplifications of Context-Free Grammars
6.1 Methods for transforming grammars
A Substitution Rule (치환 규칙)
$$ \begin{aligned} A \rightarrow aB \ A \rightarrow aaA \ A \rightarrow abBC \ B \rightarrow aA \ B \rightarrow b \end{aligned} $$
Equivalent grammar (Substitution $B \rightarrow b$) $$ \begin{aligned} S \rightarrow aB \vert ab \ A \rightarrow aaA \ A \rightarrow abBC \vert abbc \ B \rightarrow aA \end{aligned} $$
Equivalent grammar (Substitution $B \rightarrow aA$) $$ \begin{aligned} S \rightarrow aB \vert ab \vert aaA \ A \rightarrow aaA \ A \rightarrow abBc \vert abbc \vert abaAc \end{aligned} $$
Equivalent grammer (Erase unused variable)
$$ \begin{aligned} S \rightarrow ab \vert aaA \ A \rightarrow aaA \ A \rightarrow abbc \vert abaAc \end{aligned} $$
- In general:
- $$\begin{aligned} A \rightarrow xBz \ B \rightarrow y_1 \vert y_2 \vert \cdots \vert y_n \end{aligned}$$
- Substitute $B \rightarrow y_1 \vert y_2 \vert \cdots y_n$
- $$A \rightarrow xy_1 z \vert x y_2 z \vert \cdots \vert x y_n z$$
- $\lambda$ - productions, unit productions 은 없는 것이 parsing에 좋음.
1) Removing $\lambda$ - productions
- 가정: $\lambda \not \in L(G)$
- Nullable Variables 정의:
- Nullable Variables: 공스트링을 만들 수 있는 변수들
- Nullable variables을 포함하는 각 productions 에 대해서 substitution 적용
9.2 Combining Turing machines for complicated tasks
- Tranducer $$ input \rightarrow \text{Turing machine} \rightarrow output$$
- Example:
- $f(x, y) = \begin{cases} x + y & \text{ if } x \ge y \ 0 & \text{ if } x < y\end{cases}$
- Comparer, Adder, Eraser를 사용해서 구현
Combining TMs
- 앞에서 만든 comparer, adder 이용
- eraser: 모든 1을 blank로 바꾸기
- Example:
- Multipler:
- repeat until x contains no more 1:
- find a 1 in x and replace it with an a
- replace the leftmost 0 by 0y
- replace all a’s with 1’s
- repeat until x contains no more 1:
- Multipler:
9.3 Turing’s Thesis, 튜링 명제(가설))
- Any computation that can be done by mechanical means can be done by a Turing Machine
- A computation is mechincal if and only if it can be performed by a Turing Machine
Turing’s Thesis 뒷받침 하는 것들
- Anything that can be done on any existing digital computer can also be done by a TM
- No one has yet been able to find a problem, solvable by an algorithm, for which a TM program cannot be written
- Many alternative models have been proposed for mechanical means, but none of them is more powerful than TMs
Definition of Algorithm
- An algorithm for function $f(w)$ is a Turing Machine which computes $f(w)$
- It should complete computation; in other words, it should halt.
- When we say:
- There exists an algorithm
- We mean:
- There exists a Turing Machine that executes the algorithm
Chapter 10 Other Models of Turing Machine
The Standard model
- Infinite Tape
- Read-Write Head(Left or Right move)
- Control Unit (Deterministic)
10.1, 10.2: Variations of the Standard Model
- TMs with Stay:
- The head can stay in the same position
- TMs with a Multiple Track Tape:
- tracks
- Semi-Infinite Tape:
- 양방향 무한이 아닌, 왼쪽 끝이 존재한다.
- The Off-Line Machine:
- Input File with Read-only Head
- Control Unit
- Tape with Read-Write Head
- Multi-tape Turing Machines:
- tape이 여러 개 있다.
- Two-Dimensional Turing Machines:
- 2차원 tape
- Moves : LRUD
- All variants are equally powerful as the standard TM:
- 모든 변형들이 standard와 동등하다는 것을 증명할 수 있음
- Turing’s thesis에 의하면 당연하다.
10.3 Nondeterministic Turing Machines
Standard TM의 Transition Function:
- $\delta(q_1, a) = q_2, b, R)$
- $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow Q \times \Gamma \times { L, R }$
Nondeterministic Choice:
- $\delta(q_1, a) = {(q_2, b, L), (q_3, c, R) }$
- $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \rightarrow 2^{Q \times \Gamma \times {L, R }}$
Input string $w$ is accepted if a computation leading to acceptance exists:
- $q_0 w \overset{*}{\vdash} xq_fy$
- $q_0 w$ : Initial configuration
- $q_f$ : Final state
- $x q_f y$: Final Configuration
Nondeterministic Machines simulate Standard(deterministic) Machines:
- Every deterministic machine is also a nondeterministic machine.
Deterministic machines simulate Non-deterministic machines:
- Deterministic machine: Keeps track of all possible computations
Theorem 10.2
- The class of deterministic TMs and the class of nondeterministic TMs are equivalent
10.4 A Universal Turing Machine
Universal Turing Machine
- Reprogrammable TM
- General-purposed TM
- Simulates any other Turing Machine
- Universal Turing Machine simulates any other Turing Machine $M$
- Universal TM의 구조:
- Tape for the description of M
- Tape for the tape contents of M
- Tape for the state of M
- State, Tape Alphabet can be encoded as unary formats.
- Transition can be encoded using separator
- In other words, a turing machine is described with a binary string of 0’s and 1’s
- Therefore:
- The set of Turing machines forms a lanaguage:
- each string of the language is the binary encoding of a Turing Machine
- The set of Turing machines forms a lanaguage:
Set Theory(집합론), (Un)countable Sets, Enumeration Procedure
Infinite sets are either:
- Countable(모든 유한 집합, 정수집합) or Uncountable(실수 집합)
Countable set:
- Infinite Countable set:
- There is a one to one correspondence between elements of the set and positive integers
- Infinite Countable set:
If for a set there is an enumeration procedure, then the set is countable.
Theorem 10.3:
- The set of all Turing Machines is countable
- Proof:
- Any Turing Machine can be encoded with a binary string of 0’s and 1’s
- Find an enumeration procedure for the set of Turing Machine strings
Enumeration Proceduer
- Repeat
- Generate the next binary string of 0’s and 1’s in proper order
- Check if the string describes a Turing Machine:
- if YES: output it
- if NO : ignore it
- Note
- Not every langage is countable.
- If there exists an enumeration procedure, the set is countable.
- Not every language is enumerable.
Chap 11 A Hierarchy of Formal Languages and Automata
- Regular Langauges < Context-Free Langages < Languages accepted by Turing Machines
Recursively Enumerable(r.e.) Languages
A TM M defines a language, as usual.
- $L(M) = { w : q_0 w \overset{*}{\vdash} x_1 q_f x_2 }$
- where $q_f$ is a final state.
A language is recursively enumerable (r.e.) if there exists a Turing machine that accepts it.
For a string w in L(M), M halts in a final state. (halts & says “yes”)
For a string w not in L(M), either M halts in a non-final state (halts & says “no”) or runs forever (i.e. infinite loop) (no answer)
Recursive Languages
A language L on $\Sigma$ is said to be recursive if there exists a Turing machine that accepts L and that halts on every w in $\Sigma^+$
In other words, a language is recursive if and only if there exists a membership algorithm for it.
non-recursive $\Leftrightarrow$ 알고리즘으로 membership을 판단할 수 없다
recursive : always finish
Example : Recursive Languages
- Every Context-Free language is a recursive language. because CFL is always applied CYK algorithm
Languages that are Not Recursively Enumerable
- A Language that has no Turing machine accepting it.
- A class of languages that the Turing Machine cannot accept.
Theorem 11.1
Let S be an infinite countable set
The powerset $2^S$ of S is uncountable
- Since $S$ is countable, we can write (enumeration procedure)
- $S = { s_1, s_2, s_3, … }$
- We encode each element of the power set with a binary string of 0’s and 1’s (bitvector)
- Let’s assume (for contradiction) that the powerset is countable.
- Then, we can enumerate the elements of the powerset by an enumeration procedure.
- We define x is a diagonal component’s complement.
- x must be an element of the powerset. Hence, it should also be on the list.
- However, x does not equal to all elements.
- So, it cannot be on the list. $\Rightarrow$ Contradiction!
- Since, we proved that “The powerset $2^S$ of $S$ is uncountable”
Other example:
- $\Sigma = {a, b }$
- The set of all Strings:
- $S = { a, b }^* = { \lambda, a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, aaa, aab, … }$ is infinite and countable.
- The powerset of $S$ contains all languages
- There are some languages not accepted by Turing Machines
- Theorem 11.2: There exist languages that are not r.e..
- (These languages cannot be described in mechnical computation methods)
- Lnaguages not accepted by Turing machines
Theorem 11.3
- $\Sigma = { a}$
- Consider the set of all TMs with $\Sigma$
- This set is countable by Theorem 10.3
- $M_1, M_2, ….$ : enumeration of TMs
- $a, a^2, …$ : all possible strings
- Define a new language & its complement:
- $L = { a^i : M_i \text{ accepts } a^i}$
- $\bar L = { a^i : M_i \text{ does not accepts } a^i}$
- We prove * Will show $\bar L$ is not r.e.*:
- Assume $\bar L$ is r.e.
- Then therer is a TM $M_k$ that accepts $\bar L$
- Consider string $a^k$:
- $(M_k, a^k) = 1 \text{ or } 0?$
- $a^k \in L \Leftrightarrow M_k \text{ accepts } a^k \Leftrightarrow a^k \in \bar L \Leftrightarrow a^k \not \in L$
- $a^k \in \bar L \Leftrightarrow M_k \text{ not accepts } a^k \Leftrightarrow a^k \not \in \bar L$
- Contradiction! So, $\bar L$ is not r.e.
-Theorem 11.5
- $L = { a^i : M_i \text{ accepts } a^i }$ is r.e., but not recursive
11.2, 11.3 Unrestricted Grammars & Context-sensitive grammars
Unrestricted Grammar
- A grammar $G = (V, T, S, P)$ is unrestricted if all the productions are of the form $x \rightarrow y$ where $x \in (V \cup T)^+$ and $y \in (V \cup T)^*$
- unrestricted grammars = TMs = r.e. languages
- Theorem 11.6 and 11.7
- Any language generated by an unrestricted grammar is recursively enumerable.
- For every recursively enumerable language L, there exists an unrestricted grammar G such that L=L(G)
Context-sensitive Grammar
- A grammar $G = (V, T, S, P)$ is context-sensitive it all productions are of the form $x \rightarrow y$ where $x,y \in (V \cup T)^+$ and $\vert x \vert \le \vert y \vert$
- context-sensitive language = context-sensitive grammar 가 존재한다.
- Every context-free language is context-sensitive.
- Example:
- $L = { a^n b^n c^n : n \ge 1 }$
- It is not context-free, but context-sensitive.
Context-sensitive language
- Without proof.
- Every context-sensitive language is recursive.
- There exists a recursive language that is not context-sensitive.
11.4 The Chomsky Hierarchy
- fa < pda < lba < TM
- regular grammar < cfg < csg < unrestricted grammar
- type 3 < type 2 < type 1 < type 0
- Extented Hierarchy
- $L_{REG} < L_{DCF} < L_{CF} < L_{CS} < L_{REC} < L_{RE}$
Chap 12 Limits of Algorithmic Computation
12.1 Problems that cannot be solved by TMs
The Halting Problem(HP)
- Turing이 증명
- 최초의 undecidable problem
- undecidable problem:
- Problems that cannot be solved by TMs (mechanical means, algorithms)
- Proof:
- Assume there is an algorithm that decides (solves) HP
halt(string P, i) if (program P halts on input i) return yes else return no trouble (string s) if (halt(s, s) = no) return yes else loop forever
- trouble(trouble) 은 halt 인가? not halt 인가?
- trouble(trouble) 이 halt 라고 해보자
- halt(trouble, trouble) 은 no를 반환한다는 것을 의미한다.
- 이는 trouble(trouble) 이 not halt임을 의미한다.
- 반대의 경우에도 마찬가지의 모순 발생
- 따라서 HP is undecidable
Undecidable problems for CFL
- Is a cfg unambiguous?
- Are two cfg’s equivalent?
- Do two cfg’s generate any common string?