The new ext4 filesystem: current status and future plans

created : Thu, 30 Apr 2020 19:42:16 +0900
modified : Fri, 01 May 2020 23:11:40 +0900
linux ext4 filesystem


1. Introduction

단점 극복에 관한 기존 방안

주요 목표

2. Scalability enhancements

2.1 Large filesystem (파일 시스템의 최대 용량)

2.1.1 Future work

2.2 Extents

2.2.1 Future work

2.3 Large files

2.4 Large number of files

2.5 Directory scalability

2.5.1 Future work

2.6 Large inode and fast extended attributes

3. Block allocation enhancements

3.1 Persistent preallocation

3.2 Delayed and multiple block allocation

3.3 Online defragmentation

4. Reliability enhancements

4.1 Unused inode count and fast e2fsck

4.2 Checksumming

5. Other new features

6. Migration tool

6.1 Upgrading from ext3 to ext4

6.2 Downgrading from ext4 to ext3

7. Performance evaluation

7.1 FFSB comparison

7.2 Postmark comparison

7.3 IOzone comparison

8. Conclusion