- Original Link
- https://kccnceu2023.sched.com/event/1Ipz2/defining-a-common-observability-query-language-and-other-observability-tag-updates-alolita-sharma-matt-young-apple?iframe=no&w=100%&sidebar=yes&bg=no
CNCF Observability Project Landscape
Graduated Projectes:
- fluentd
- jeager
- prometheus
Incubating Projects:
- chaos mesh
- openmetrics
- opentelemetry
- cortex
- litmux
- thanos
Sandbox Projects:
- chaosblade
- Pixie
- fonio
- skooner
- kuberhealthy
- trickster
- opencost
OTAG Initiatives, Workgroups, Activities
- Observability query language standardization
- Continuous cost measurement and optimization
- Profilling in Open Telemetry
- Graphs in Observability
- Exceptions as another telemetry data type
- Correlation across telemetry data signals
Profiling support in OpenTelemetry
- Profiling support in Opentelemetry:
- Update by Ryan Perry (Jan 2023)
Observability Query Language Standardization
- Started as a request at Open Telemetry Community Meeting at Kubecon NA 2022 in Detroit:
- OpenTelemetry project recommendation to continue query specification discussions in OTAG This discussion has been requestsed by several end-users( e.g. EBay, Netflix, Apple)
- Workgroup charter discussed and finalkized in CNCF Observability TAG
- Workgroup creation request for approval from TOC is currently under consideration
- Get Involved. See the following links:
Observability Query Language Stadnardization
- Benefits:
- Portability for end users
- Correlate various telemetry data types
- Reduce developer and operations toil
- Federated veiw regardless of data location
- Let vendors focus on unique features
- Lower migration and acquisition costs
- Goals:
- Compile a list of end user use cases
- Research existing QLs
- Recommend semantics, models and behaviors for a standard:
- Follow-up groups/projects would implement recommendations
- Help Needed:
- Provides uses cases Document languages and semantics Work together towards a standard
- There are various types in tsdb, how can I define how to sort the results when querying:
- Details about the implementation, there are various languages right now, and there are some that are not open source, so we still have to come up with a proposal to know.
- (Personal thought) I thought the question was ambiguous to answer, so the answer is bound to be ambiguous accordingly. I wonder if it was a question with too standard content and an answer with standard content.
Personal Impression
- There are a lot of links in the presentation. But, there is no link to access it. It made me spend a lot of time to find the links.
- It is just a good video to follow the recent observability’s trend.:
- Many observability tools are separated.
- And too many developers are suffered by repeated implementation and makes a mistake again.
- So, observability query languages should be defined nowadays.
- IMO, promql is a de-facto standard for metrics.
- There are not a standard for log & trace.
- But, cncf & opentelemetry are very closed to grafana.
- logql & traceql are strong candidates because of it.
- I believe they are not kind to user, so I worry.