Deep Dive into Minikube

created : 2022-09-20T16:59:49+00:00
modified : 2022-09-20T17:58:44+00:00

kubecon k8s kubernetes minikube

It all started in 2016

  • Minkube was created 6 years ago by Google to alleviate the difficulties that developers had when setting up a Kubernetes environment for local development

OK Google … Assist the developers please!

  • Google has continued to evolve the Minikube project to grow the Kubernetes ecosystem by making Kubernetes development more attractive and frictionless

Primary Goal

  • make it simple to run Kubernetes locally for learning and day-to-day development, testing & debugging workflows:
    1. inclusive
    2. Community-driven
    3. User-friendly
    4. Support all Kubernetes features
    5. Cross-platform
    6. Reliable
    7. High Performance
    8. Developer Focused

Our first Integration tests ran in the office.

  • Minikube’s VM drivers needed Baremetal servers with virtualization enabled.
  • Nested Virtualization only available for certain Linux Distros

It takes a village to test Minikube

  • Minikube is the most tested local Kubernetes tool.:
    • 46 Self-hosted CI VMs in 5 different clouds (GCP, AWS, Equinix Metal, Azure, Macstadium) + Prow and Github Action
    • 296 end to end tests in integration testing suite
    • 100 unit tests

Flake Rate System

  • Problem:
    • Running hundreds of test cases on dozen platforms, there are always some flaky test that fail 10-15% of the time on Master.
    • Reviewer had to have a lot of context to approve a PR with failed test.
  • Solution:
    • Run tests on master regularly, generate failed rate on master.
    • On each PR comments how many of the Failed tests are a known Flake
    • Automatically create Github issue for frequently failing test.
    • Generate Visualized
  • Minikube’s Flake Rate System is built on top of Gopogh

What is Gopogh? - Reducing Squinting for go developers

  • Problem: Failed minikube test logs come with thousands of lines of post mortem logs low-level system logs. (sometimes 10K lines) that makes it very hard to see what log is for what!:
    • Created in a hackathon with a funny name

Minikube speaks your language

Checkout Minikube’s Side Project!

  • Slow jam
  • Triage Party
  • Gopogh
  • Time To k8s
  • Minikube-CI
  • Pull Sheet

The story of Kbuernetes 1.24…

  • Kubernetes removed the code for supporting docker runtime
  • CNI…
  • Cgroup V2…

Minikube continues to support docker-env

  • Users love “min8ikube docker-env”(building images directly on the cluster) and we can’t blame them, it is 36X time faster than Image load.

Minikube CPU usage overtime

  • Save energy by using these Minikube features Features that can save energy:
    • try “minikube pause”
    • Auto-Pause Addon


  • Measure Weekly/Daily and per release
  • Measure agsinst similar tools

Minikube’s Base Image

Did you know minikube maintains its own linux?

  • Hand Crafted - Just enough Linux for Kubernetes
  • Small ISO - 280MB
  • Based on CoreOS BUildroot
  • Might Graduate out of Minikube to is own repo
  • Advantages:
    • Granular control of enabled kernel modules and packages
    • Tailored for Kubernetes

Types of Minikube users

  • Learn Kubernetes
  • Develop on Kubernetes
  • Test/CI

New category of minikube users!

  • Tens of Blog posts, tweets and survey comments shows that a lot of new users are using minikube merely as a Docker Desktop Replacement.

minikube start -no-kubernetes?

  • IMO : ?? what?

Top differentiators Minikube vs similar tools

  • Multiple container runtimes for Kubernetes
  • Direct access to container runtime for faster image build
  • Integration tests (most comprehensive)

Advantages of VM Drivers

  • No need to have Docker Desktop License
  • Less CPU usage
  • You can hit the port directly (for example if you have a hotspot service running on port 80 you can curl $(minikube ip):80 on your machine vs Docker Drive that by design needs to be assigned a random port.)

Tens of Survey Requests for VM driver on M1/Arm64

1. Try Qemu Driver on Apple M1

  • Qemu driver is finally available for Arm64 and M1
  • This means on Arm-based machines like Apple M1 you could have a Kbuernetes experience without having to have Docker Desktop.

Challenges of adding ARM64 ISO

  • Slow iteration of testing
  • AppArmor
  • Lack of team familiarity with Buildroot

2. Try Early prototype of Minikube-GUI

  • Go to minikube website
  • Search for Minikube GUI
  • Things to try:
    • Simplified View (one cluster)
    • Advanced View (multi cluster)
    • Right click tray icon

개인 생각

  • 개인적으로 퀄리티가 굉장히 좋은 강연이였다.
  • 일단:
    • minikube에 대한 간략한 설명(k8s 에 고통을 덜기위해)
    • 왜 써야하는지 (안정성)
    • 겪고 있는 문제(flake, k8s 1.24)
    • 화제거리(docker 를 사용하기 위해 k8s 없이 minikube 를 돌릴수 있게 해달라)
    • 새로운 소식(M1 에 대한 지원, GUI 지원)
  • 위 사항들을 모두 요약한 좋은 강연이였다고 생각된다.
  • 다만 아쉬운 점은 최근 이야기가 많이 나오고 있는 k3s라던가 minikube 가 내부적으로 어떻게 동작하는지에 대한 설명이 있었으면 좋았을 거 같은데, 사실 이건 시간 관계상 하기 어렵기도 하고 minikube 를 사용하는 사람이 아닌 개발하는 사람에게 필요한 내용이므로 적합하지 않다고 생각해서 뺀것 같다. (혹은 예전에 이미 했어서 중복되서 안하거나?)
  • 이 강연을 통해서 얻게된 내용:
    • minikube 내부구조를 살짝 공부하고, kind(kubernetes in docker) 와 k3s 와 비교해봐야겠다. (목적성이나 구조적인 문제 둘다)
    • 중간에 소개해줬던 내부 툴 repo를 살펴봤는데, 현재 사용하고 있지만 툴 자체가 발전하지는 않는 상황인것 같다. 살펴봐야겠다.