Minkube was created 6 years ago by Google to alleviate the difficulties that developers had when setting up a Kubernetes environment for local development
OK Google … Assist the developers please!
Google has continued to evolve the Minikube project to grow the Kubernetes ecosystem by making Kubernetes development more attractive and frictionless
Primary Goal
make it simple to run Kubernetes locally for learning and day-to-day development, testing & debugging workflows:
Support all Kubernetes features
High Performance
Developer Focused
Our first Integration tests ran in the office.
Minikube’s VM drivers needed Baremetal servers with virtualization enabled.
Nested Virtualization only available for certain Linux Distros
It takes a village to test Minikube
Minikube is the most tested local Kubernetes tool.:
46 Self-hosted CI VMs in 5 different clouds (GCP, AWS, Equinix Metal, Azure, Macstadium) + Prow and Github Action
296 end to end tests in integration testing suite
100 unit tests
Flake Rate System
Running hundreds of test cases on dozen platforms, there are always some flaky test that fail 10-15% of the time on Master.
Reviewer had to have a lot of context to approve a PR with failed test.
Run tests on master regularly, generate failed rate on master.
On each PR comments how many of the Failed tests are a known Flake
Automatically create Github issue for frequently failing test.
Generate Visualized
Minikube’s Flake Rate System is built on top of Gopogh
What is Gopogh? - Reducing Squinting for go developers
Problem: Failed minikube test logs come with thousands of lines of post mortem logs low-level system logs. (sometimes 10K lines) that makes it very hard to see what log is for what!:
Created in a hackathon with a funny name
Minikube speaks your language
Checkout Minikube’s Side Project!
Slow jam
Triage Party
Time To k8s
Pull Sheet
The story of Kbuernetes 1.24…
Kubernetes removed the code for supporting docker runtime
Cgroup V2…
Minikube continues to support docker-env
Users love “min8ikube docker-env”(building images directly on the cluster) and we can’t blame them, it is 36X time faster than Image load.
Minikube CPU usage overtime
Save energy by using these Minikube features Features that can save energy:
try “minikube pause”
Auto-Pause Addon
Measure Weekly/Daily and per release
Measure agsinst similar tools
Minikube’s Base Image
Did you know minikube maintains its own linux?
Hand Crafted - Just enough Linux for Kubernetes
Small ISO - 280MB
Based on CoreOS BUildroot
Might Graduate out of Minikube to is own repo
Granular control of enabled kernel modules and packages
Tailored for Kubernetes
Types of Minikube users
Learn Kubernetes
Develop on Kubernetes
New category of minikube users!
Tens of Blog posts, tweets and survey comments shows that a lot of new users are using minikube merely as a Docker Desktop Replacement.
minikube start -no-kubernetes?
IMO : ?? what?
Top differentiators Minikube vs similar tools
Multiple container runtimes for Kubernetes
Direct access to container runtime for faster image build
Integration tests (most comprehensive)
Advantages of VM Drivers
No need to have Docker Desktop License
Less CPU usage
You can hit the port directly (for example if you have a hotspot service running on port 80 you can curl $(minikube ip):80 on your machine vs Docker Drive that by design needs to be assigned a random port.)
Tens of Survey Requests for VM driver on M1/Arm64
1. Try Qemu Driver on Apple M1
Qemu driver is finally available for Arm64 and M1
This means on Arm-based machines like Apple M1 you could have a Kbuernetes experience without having to have Docker Desktop.
Challenges of adding ARM64 ISO
Slow iteration of testing
Lack of team familiarity with Buildroot
2. Try Early prototype of Minikube-GUI
Go to minikube website
Search for Minikube GUI
Things to try:
Simplified View (one cluster)
Advanced View (multi cluster)
Right click tray icon
개인 생각
개인적으로 퀄리티가 굉장히 좋은 강연이였다.
minikube에 대한 간략한 설명(k8s 에 고통을 덜기위해)
왜 써야하는지 (안정성)
겪고 있는 문제(flake, k8s 1.24)
화제거리(docker 를 사용하기 위해 k8s 없이 minikube 를 돌릴수 있게 해달라)
새로운 소식(M1 에 대한 지원, GUI 지원)
위 사항들을 모두 요약한 좋은 강연이였다고 생각된다.
다만 아쉬운 점은 최근 이야기가 많이 나오고 있는 k3s라던가 minikube 가 내부적으로 어떻게 동작하는지에 대한 설명이 있었으면 좋았을 거 같은데, 사실 이건 시간 관계상 하기 어렵기도 하고 minikube 를 사용하는 사람이 아닌 개발하는 사람에게 필요한 내용이므로 적합하지 않다고 생각해서 뺀것 같다. (혹은 예전에 이미 했어서 중복되서 안하거나?)
이 강연을 통해서 얻게된 내용:
minikube 내부구조를 살짝 공부하고, kind(kubernetes in docker) 와 k3s 와 비교해봐야겠다. (목적성이나 구조적인 문제 둘다)
중간에 소개해줬던 내부 툴 repo를 살펴봤는데, 현재 사용하고 있지만 툴 자체가 발전하지는 않는 상황인것 같다. 살펴봐야겠다.