Modern C++ Design Pattern/Chatper 2. 빌더

created : 2020-04-07T11:44:17+00:00
modified : 2020-09-26T14:10:55+00:00

Builder Pattern

Simple Builder

    struct HtmlBuilder
      HtmlElement root;

      HtmlBuilder(string root_name) { = root_name; }

      void add_child(string child_name string child_text)
        HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
      string str() { return root.str(); }

Fluent Builder

    struct HtmlBuilder
      HtmlElement root;
      HtmlBuilder(string root_name) { = root_name; }
      HtmlBuilder& add_child(string child_name string child_text)
        HtmlElement e{ child_name child_text };
        return *this;
      /* skip */

    HtmlBuilder builder{ "ul" };
    builder.add_child("li", "Hello").add_child("li", "world");
    cout << builder.str() << endl;
  • Fluence Builder Method can return whatever in reference(&) or pointer (*). Just do what you want.

Force to use Builder Class

  • delete public constructor
      struct HtmlElement
        string name;
        string text;
        vector<HtmlElement> elements;
        const size_t indent_size = 2;
        static unique_ptr<HtmlBuilder> build(const string& root_name)
          return make_unique<HtmlBuilder>(root_name);
        HtmlElement() {}
        HtmlElement(const string& name, const string &text)
          : name{name}, text{text} {}
      struct HtmlBuilder
        operator HtmlElement() const { return root; }
        HtmlElement root;
        /* skip */
      /* Can use move semantic */
      HtmlElement HtmlBuilder::build() const
        return root;

Groovy - style builder

    struct Tag
      string name;
      string text;
      vector<Tag> children;
      vector<pair<string, string> > sttributes;

      friend ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Tag& tag)
      /* skip implementation */

      Tag(const string& name, const string& text)
        : name {name}, text{text} {}

      Tag(const string &name, const vector<Tag>& children)
        : name{name}, children{children} {}

    struct P : Tag
      explicit P(const string& text)
        : Tag{"p", text} {}

      P(initializer_list<Tag> children)
        : Tag{"p", children} {}

    struct IMG : Tag
      explicit IMG(const string& url
        : Tag{"img", ""}
        attributes.emplace_back({"src", url});

    std::cout <<
      P {
        IMG { "" }
    << std::endl;

Composite Builder

    class PersonBuilderBase
      Person& person;
      explicit PersonBuilderBase(Person& person)
        : person{ person } {}
      operator Person()
        return std::move(person);

      PersonAddressBuilder lives() const;
      PersonJobBuilder works() const;

    class PersonBiulder : public PersonBuilderBase
      Person p;
      PersonBuilder() : PersonBuilderBase{p} {}

    class PersonAddressBuilder : public PersonBuilderBase
      typedef PersonAddressBuilder self;
      explicit PersonAddressBuilder(Person& person)
        : PersonBuilderBase { person } {}

      self& at(std::string street_address)
        person.street_address = street_address;
        return *this;

      self& with_postcode(std::string post_code) { /* skip */ }

      self& in(std::string city) { /* skip */ }

    Person p = Person::create()
      .lives().at("123 London Road")
              .with_postcode("SW1 1GB")


  • The purpose of Builder Pattern is to create a complicate object, which needs a combination of many items.
  • Properties of Builder Pattern
    • If you use the influence interface builder, just need only one call chain. Of course, the builder methods are constructed to return this(pointer) or *this(reference).
    • Hide public outter constructor of target object to force using builder class or method. Also can define good operators to achieve this.
    • Awesome groovy-style builder can be constructed with uniform initialiing syntax.
    • A Builder interface can expose other sub builders. (refer to composite builder)