Modern C++ Design Pattern/Chatper 1. 개요

created : 2020-04-07T11:44:17+00:00
modified : 2020-09-26T14:09:17+00:00


CRTP(Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)

struct Foo : SomeBase<Foo>

template <typename Derived>
struct SomeBase
  void foo()
    for (auto& item : *static_cast<Derived*>(this))


  class Person
    int age_;
    int get_age() const {return age_; }
    void set_age(int value) {age_ = value; }
    __declspec(property(get=get_age, put=set_age)) int age;

  Person p;
  p.age = 20; // calls p.set_age(20)


Factory Method

  struct Point
    Point(const float x, const float y)
      : x {x}, y {y}

    static Point NewCartesian(float x, float y)
      return {x, y};
    static Point NewPolar(float r, float theta)
      return {r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta)};
    // skip

SOLID Design Principle

  • SRP(Single Responsibility Principle)
    • If you need to edit a few classes(or little more?) in some very small retouching, there is an omen of something problem. It is named code smell ```cpp struct Journal { string title; vector entries;

    explicit Journal (const string& title) : title{title} {} }; cpp void Journal::add(const string& entry) { static int count = 1; entries.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(count++) + ": " + entry); }

/* Journal j{“Dear Diary”}; j.add(“I cried today”); j.add(“I ate a bug”); */

struct PersistenceManager
  static void save(const Journal& j, const string& filename)
    ofstream ofs(filename);
    for (auto& s : j.entries)
      ofs << s << endl;
  • OCP(Open-Closed Principle) ```cpp template struct Specification { virtual bool is_satisfied(T* item) = 0; };

template struct Filter { virtual vector<T*> filter( vector<T*> items, Specification& spec) = 0; };

struct BetterFilter : Filter { vector<Product*> filter( vector<Product*> items, Specifiaction& spec) override { vector<Product*> result; for (auto& p : items) if (spec.is_satisfied(p)) result.push_back(p); return result; } };

struct ColorSpecification : Specification { Color color;

explicit ColorSpecification(cosnt Color color) : color{color} {}

bool is_stisfied(Product* item) override { return item->color == color; } };

/* Product apple{ “Apple”, Color::Green, Size::Small }; Product tree{ “Tree”, Color::Green, Size::Large }; Product house{ “House”, Color:Blue, Size::Large };

vector<Product*> all{ &apple, &tree, &house };

BetterFilter bf; ColorSpecification green(Color::Green);

auto green_things = bf.filter(all, green); for (auto& x : green_things) cout « x->name « ” is green” « endl; */

- LSP(Liskove Substitution Principle)
class RectangleFactory
  static Rectangle create_rectangle(int w, int h);
  static Rectangle create_square(int size);

bool Rectangle:is_square() const
  return width == height;
  • ISP(Interface Segregation Principle) ```cpp struct IPrinter { virtual void print(vector<Document*> docs) = 0; };

struct IScanner { virtual void scan(vector<Document*> docs) = 0; }

struct Printer : IPrinter { void print(vector<Document*> docs) override; }

struct Scanner : IScanner { void scan(vector<Document*> docs) override; }

struct IMachine: IPrinter, IScanner { };

struct Machine : IMachine { IPrinter& printer; IScanner& scanner;

Machine(IPrinter& printer, IScanner& scanner) : printer{printer}, scanner{scanner} { }

void print(vector<Document> docs) override { printer.print(docs); } void scan(vector<Document> docs) override { scanner.scan(docs); } }

- DIP(Dependency Inversion Principle)
struct ILogger
  virtual ~ILogger() {}
  virtual void Log(const string& s) = 0;

struct ConsoleLogger : ILogger
  ConsoleLogger() {}

  void Log(const string& s) override
    cout << "LOG: " << s.c_str() << endl;

struct Car
  unique_ptr<Engine> engine;
  shared_ptr<ILogger> logger;

  Car(unique_ptr<Engine> engine,
      const shared_ptr<ILogger>& logger)
    : engine{move(engine)},
    logger->Log("making a car");

  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Car& obj)
    return os << "car with engine: " << *obj.engine;

auto injector = di::maker_injector(

auto car =injector.create<shared_ptr<Car>>();