- 내가 말한문장
First, in the past, AI - maching learning was introduced in 1980s, but computer was not good, so - [] baybe, but there is no hardware.
- 첨삭 내용
In the 1980s, machine learning was introduced, but the necessary hardware to test it at scale was not sufficient.
In the 1980s, machine learning was theoretically possible, but the extent hardware of the time could not match those theoretical requirements.
첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 두번째 문장을 말할때 떠올려서 말하는건 조금 어려울것 같다.
- 두 문장 모두 시간을 먼저 말하는 형식으로 첨삭되었고, 문장을 조리있게 명확한 단어로 표현하도록 첨삭 받았다.
내가 말한 문장
Researcher and other people and some people in the area were - has very very big expectation but it wasn't [epidemic?] so - or every [support] is disconnected because there is no vision.
- 첨삭된 문장
Researchers and enthusiasts had huge expectations that, at the time, did not pan out/were ultimately infeasible. What infrastructure was created at the time would be phased out because there was no vision.
첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 말을 너무 많이 더듬었고, 너무 단순한 단어를 사용했다.
- 하지만, 두번째 문장을 바로 말하는건 조금 어려운것 같다. 지금 이렇게 어려운 이유가 다 말하고자 하는 문장 형식을 잘 선정하지 못하는게 문제 같은데 연습을 열심히 해야할것 같다.
첨삭 기반 노력하면 가능할 것 같은 수준의 문장
In the 1980s, machine learning was introduced, but the necessary hardware to test it at scale was not sufficient. Reasearchers and enthusiasts had huge expecations that, at the time, were ultimately infeasible. What infrastructure was created at the time would be phase out because there was no vision. In computer science, we call it the winter of AI.
다음에 실제로 사용하기 위해서 기억해야 하는 단어:
- necessary, sufficient, huge, infeasible, pahse out
내가 말한 문장
I think the Facebook have a challenge, because they are in something difficult situation, any site, so I don't agree Metaverse will be success because the technique is not competent - not completely, and VR and AR -people don't know VR and AR and people aren't familiar - people don't, you don't buy machine for engering metaverse - just only that, just ofr that.
- 첨삭 받은 문장
I think Facebook faces a challenge for the same reasons I don't think the Metaverse will a success: their technique is incompetent. People are unfamiliar with VR and AR - they don't see themselves paying the steep cost of entry to the metaverse because VR devices are recreational rather than essential. Facebook/Meta has shown, it seems, little interest in making people familiar enough to see it as a nessity.
첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 부정형 문장을 엄청 많이 사용해서 말했는데, 대신 사용하는 형용사 자체를 부정형으로 취하도록 첨삭을 많이 받았다. (unfamiliar, incompetent)
- 맨 마지막 문장 같은 경우, 전달하고자 싶은 바를 아예 새로 써주셨는데 사례를 통해서 말하는게 더 쉽게 말할수 있지만, 더 정형화 해서 말하기 위해서는 주어를 You 가 아닌 실제로 어떠한 일을 해야하는 기업인 Meta를 주어로 두어서 작문하는 게 더 자연스럽다는 피드백을 받았다.
다음에 실제로 첨삭받은대로 말하기 위해서 기억해야하는 것:
- 문장을 연결하는 연습을 해야한다.
내가 말한 문장
I think if I interest, or some other coin - it must be blind my eyes because my benefits is in -will b there so as a technician, I must choice objective more technically; for example, I started a new project about blockchain - what coins will I need (will I need) - choose -- but if I invest etherium - I will must choose it. I don't have other eason.
- 첨삭 받은 문장
To be a technician, one must choose to be objective about the tecnologies with which they are familiar. If I buy into a coin, now I have bias; I may be inattentive to the ways my financial investments might influence my technological decision making or expertiese. For example, say I choose to buy Etherium - now, I am incentivized to recommend and specialize in Etherium rather than being a cientific generalist.
첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 단어를 잘 사용했어야했다.
- 말을 너무 많이 더듬어서 내가 말한 문장이 너무 처참하다.
- 좀더 생각을 많이 하고 천천히 말해야겠다.
내가 말한 문장
Actually I think that it's a fake. Because this technique are don't have any relation - just connected by people who need more money - more investment. So they [] people's mind, imagine your NFT in the metaverse - it's amazing - it's actually virtual reality. Not only data - if - (I can't explain it in English) - to summarize it. I think it's fake because there's no [c/g]lue connecting them.
- 첨삭 받은 문장
Actually, I think that it's a farcse. These assets have no relation to anything real. Meta has emphasized imagining NFTs in their Metaverse. "It's amazing." they claim, but it blatant that they are seeking profit, not amazement. People have said, "imagine your NFT in the metaverse - it's amazing," but those people are purely profit-seeking, and I would take what they have to say about the metaverse with a grain of salt. There is no connective tissue between NFTs and the metaverse; for that reason, I think it's fake.
첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 발음이 엉망이였다. 오죽하면 받아써주는 튜터분께서 빈칸 처리를 저렇게 했을까
- 끝까지 영어로 표현하려고 노력했어야 했는데 포기해버렷다.
for that reason
이라는 표현을 통해서 말한 것을 정리해봐야겠다.
내가 말한 문장
If I develop the metaverse, I focus on the device. Because it's a weak poin. As I mentioned, the device is too expensive to people and are that unfamiliar - so I focus on it.
- 첨삭 받은 문장
Were I to develop fore the metaverse, I would focus on the device. It's a weak point. Specifically, I would work on cost reduction so that unfamiliar users don't face the barrier of price of entry.
- 첨삭에 대한 내 생각:
- 가정법으로 말하는 것을 아예 생각도 못했는데, 가정법을 사용해서 말하는 것이 더 formal 하고, 문법적으로 완성도도 놓다는 피드백을 받았다.
- 지금 상황을 설명하려고 하는 것보다 앞으로 목표를 말하도록 노력해야한다.
- 문장의 주어를 생각 없이 You 로 잡는 경우가 많아서 말이 전체적으로 예시를 드는 식으로 말하거나 문장의 완성도가 낮아진다. 생각없이 you로 말을 시작하지 말자, 천천히 문장의 짜임새를 고민하고 말하자.
- 사용하는 단어가 너무 단순하다. 한국어를 영어로 바꿀때 하나의 단어로 바꾸지 말고 여러개의 단어로 바꾸는 연습을 하자.
- 부정형을 남발하지 말자.
- 내 목소리를 들어봤는데 너무 톤이 높다는 것을 알게 되었다. 톤을 낮춰서 말하려고 노력하자.
수업에 대한 생각:
- 40분 동안 수업이라기에는 내용이 짧다면 짧다. 이유는 내가 말할때마다 너무 많이 더듬는데도 불구하고 빠르게 말할려고 마음만 앞서서이다. 차라리 작문 문제를 풀때처럼 문장의 전체 구조를 완성한 다음에 말하려고 노력하자.
- 튜터의 총평: Hi Min Uk! Thanks for taking your first lesson with me today. Nice to meet another computer scientist.
During the second half of the lesson, when you slowed down, pronunciation clarity significantly improved. Be sure, while you’re learning, to keep your comprehension at a high speed, but let your speaking go at that pace until more clarity is achievable.
Overall, work on more cohesive phrases. Often, you stop and repeat yourself as you search for what to say - be intentional about practicing your English without repeats, even if it features extra long pauses. It is better to pause and make practice of good, slow English than it is to repeat yourself multiple times over, which your brain will learn as the norm for your speech.
After that work, be sure to place ideas in-sentence a little more logically. In other words, if one idea is the primary point of emphasis for a given sentence, make sure it is the first item mentioned and the primary grammatical structure around which all other phrases hinge.